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Education Scholarship
Education scholarship includes the description and dissemination of effective and novel teaching methods and strategies and creating innovative education tools, assessments and programs to prepare physical therapists for current and emerging roles that advance the health, function, and well-being of individuals, families, and communities.
Faculty involved in Education Scholarship:
2022 Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Abrams T, Thille P, Gibson BE. Disability, affect theory, and the politics of breathing: The case of muscular dystrophy. Subjectivity. 2021 Dec: 14: 201-217. DOI:
- Coleman, J., Knott, K., & Jung, B. (2021). Impact of physical therapy and occupational therapy student placements on productivity: a scoping review. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 12(4): 98-110 DOI:
- Diermayr G, Schomberg M, Barthelmesa L, Greisbergerb A, Elsner B, Salbach NM. Current practice of physical therapists in outpatient stroke rehabilitation: a cross-sectional survey in Baden-Württemberg and Thuringia [German]. International Journal of Health Professions 2021, 8(1):48-59. Available from: DOI: 10.2478/ijhp-2021-0005.
- Gastle NMJ, Porreca MA, Aarts MM, Patel H, Smith SGVS, Underwood GM, Coleman J, Mori B, Musselman KE. Exploring the experiences and impacts of research role-emerging placements in physiotherapy. Physiotherapy Canada.
- Hall M, Mori B, Norman K,Proctor P, Murphy S, Bredy H. How Do I Choose a Job? Factors Influencing the Career and Employment Decisions of Physiotherapy Graduates in Canada. Physiotherapy Canada, 2021 73(2):168-77.
- Hassan, S, Stevens, B, Watt-Watson, J, Switzer- McIntyre, S, Flannery, J, Furlan, A. (2022) Development and Initial Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of a Pain Competence Assessment Tool (PCAT). The Journal of Pain, Volume 23, Issue 3, March 2022, Pages 398-410
- Jagroop D, Houvardas S, Danells CJ, Kochanowski J, French E, Salbach NM, Musselman K, Inness EL, Mansfield A. Rehabilitation clinicians’ perspectives of reactive balance training. Disabil Rehabil. 2021 Nov 23;1-7. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2021.2004246.
- Jervis Rademeyer H, Gauthier C, Zariffa J, Walden K, McCullum S, Jeji T, Musselman KE. Using activity-based therapy for individuals with spinal cord injury or disease: the perspectives of physical and occupational therapists in rehabilitation hospitals. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2022 Mar 29:1-11. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2022.2039855. Epub ahead of print.
- Miller E, Brooks D, O’Brien KK, Beavers L, Stratford P, Nonoyama M, & Mori B. (2022). Assessing the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of the Physical Therapy Competence Assessment for Airway Suctioning (PT-CAAS). Physiotherapy Research International, e1944.
- Miller E, Brooks D, O’Brien KK, Beavers L, Stratford P, Nonoyama M, Mori B. Assessing the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of the Physical Therapy Competence Assessment for Airway Suctioning (PT-CAAS). Physiotherapy Research International. Published Online: February 17, 2022.
- Peters MDJ, Marnie C, Colquhoun H, Garritty CM, Hempel S, Horsley T, Langlois EV, Lillie E, O’Brien KK, Tuncalp O, Wilson MG, Zarin W, Tricco AC. Scoping Reviews: Reinforcing and Advancing the Methodology and Application. Systematic Reviews 10, 263 (2021). Published October 8, 2021.
- Romney W, Salbach NM, Parrott JS, Deutsch JE. A knowledge broker facilitated intervention to improve the use of assessment tools by physical therapists: a cluster randomized trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 2021. Available from:
- Salbach NM, McDonald A, MacKay-Lyons M, Bulmer B, Howe J, Bayley MT, McEwen S, Nelson M, Solomon P. Experiences of physical therapists and professional leaders with implementing a toolkit to advance walking assessment post-stroke: A realist evaluation. Physical Therapy, 2021. DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzab232.
- Wegrzyn, P, Evans, C, Janczyn, G, Judge, J, Lu, R, Manji, R, Gray, J, Smith, M, Nixon, SA. A Reorientation of Belief: Considerations for Increasing the Recruitment of Black Students into Canadian physiotherapy programs. J Hum Rehabil. 2021. Accessed May 30, 2022.
- Wojkowski S, Norman KE, Stratford P, Mori B. Physiotherapy Students’ Performance in Clinical Education: An Analysis of 1 Year of Canadian Cross-Sectional Data. Physiotherapy Canada. 2021 Nov 1;73(4):358-67.
- Yeung E, Salbach NM, Scodras S, Kothari A, Graham I. Identifying competencies for integrated knowledge translation: a delphi study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Oct 30;21(1):1181.
- Yeung E., Gibson B.E., Kuper A., Shaw J., Nixon S. ‘Making strange’: Exploring the development of students’ capacity in epistemic reflexivity. 2021 April 30 (electronic journal). Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation.