Assessing Body Structure and Function

Graphic describing the aim of the Assessing Body Structure & Function research platform

The aim of research in this platform is to determine the pathophysiological and biomechanical impairments that limit daily activities associated with acute and chronic health conditions affecting children and adults. This aim is addressed by:

  1. Developing innovative technology-assisted approaches for assessing structures and functions of the neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, and cardiorespiratory systems and interactions with the environment;
  2. Determining physiological and biomechanical function of healthy individuals; and
  3. Determining pathophysiological and biomechanical impairment and compensatory changes in people with acute and chronic health conditions.

Research in this platform incorporates laboratory-based testing, clinical research, and evaluation of real-time person-environment interactions. Findings inform assessment and treatment approaches for physical therapy and rehabilitation with children, youth, and adults with a range of acute and chronic health conditions including idiopathic scoliosis, cerebral palsy, brain injury, spinal cord injury, stroke, chronic lung disease, and critical illness. Faculty expertise includes implementation science such that research findings inform clinical practice, community programs, and health policy.

Programs of Research and Faculty

Peer-Reviewed Publications: Assessing Body Structure & Function