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- Remedial Support Policy
Remedial Support Policy
If you have knowledge or skill deficits in a particular area, you are responsible for self-study. You can develop a self-study plan on your own or ask the Academic Lead for advice on how to improve your understanding of certain material or competence in skills.
Remedial work will only be allowed for serious health problems or exceptional personal circumstances which may adversely affect your performance in the program.
The Remedial Support Policy below, outlines the identification of students in need of remedial actions or remediation; faculty and student roles and responsibilities during the remediation process; and assessment of student performance following the remediation process.
Principles Underlying Remedial Actions and Remediation
In the Department of Physical Therapy, we strive to work together with our students to foster success in all components of the program. Occasionally, students will need further support and remediation as part of their academic program. We believe that remediation plans should be:
- Individualized to each student’s needs
- Focused on growth mindset and developing skills in our three foundational pillars
- Critical thinking: to determine the potential root for the difficulties experienced in the program
- Inquiry mindset: initiative to address gaps in performance
- Professionalism: commitment to safe and high quality care
- Underpinned by theory (metacognitive) and best practices
- Positive and supportive
- Planned, designed and executed in partnership with the student ensuring scaffolding from faculty
- Implemented as early as possible when students are identified as experiencing difficulty
- Grounded in coaching and mentorship principles
- Structured, reliable and transparent
The table describes the Department’s approach to student promotion and remediation consisting of five zones. Each student in the program falls into one of the five zones. Zone 1 and Zone 2 includes students progressing through the program as expected. Students in Zone 2, may require remedial actions to facilitate their continued progress through the program. Zone 3 and Zone 4 include students who have failed a unit in the program and require a formal remediation program including an assessment of their performance. Finally, Zone 5 includes students who have consistently performed below the expected standards following formal remediation. A student falling into this zone will initiate the termination process.
Leave of Absence or Stop-outs
A student who has taken a leave of absence or stop out from the program which consists of two or more consecutive semesters will also be required to participate in remediation. Students who have been away from the program for an extended period will need to review the previous content, due to the sequential nature of the program. The principles of remediation will apply above.