Main Second Level Navigation
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Policies and Regulations
- Academic Appeal Policy
- Assessments, Grading, Promotions and Failure
- Attendance Policy
- Copyright, Recordings, and Online Etiquette
- Guidelines on Classroom and Clinical Skills Lab Conduct and Management
- Guidelines on Course Changes
- Guidelines on Student Accessibility
- Professionalism Policy
- Remedial Support Policy
- Termination Policy
- Learner Mistreatment
- Face Masking Policy
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- Important Dates
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- MScPT Program
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- Policies and Regulations
Policies and Regulations
Please review these policies and guidelines carefully; you are expected to be familiar with them. Regulations and policies are subject to change.
Additionally, as a student in the MScPT program, you represent yourself, the Department of Physical Therapy, the University and the Profession. Please study the Department’s Professionalism Pledge and Code of Conduct (available within the Professionalism Policy) to see what is expected of you.
Departmental Policies
University Wide Policies
The University also has several policies that are approved by its Governing Council which apply to all students. The School of Graduate Studies and the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, also have several policies in place that apply to you as an MScPT student. The University will assume that you are familiar with these policies.
Examples of these policies include, but are not limited to:
- Academic Appeals
- Access to Student Academic Records
- Accommodations: Religious Observances
- Cancellation of Classes and/or Closure due to Adverse Weather
- Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters
- Code of Student Conduct
- Course Work Extensions
- Departmental Examinations: A Code of Good Practice
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)
- Guidelines Regarding Infectious Diseases and Occupational Health
- Policy on Official Correspondence with Students
- Policy on Student Financial Support
- Standards of Professional Practice Behaviour for all Health Professional Students
- University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy
- University Policy on Sexual Harassment
Pandemic Planning
The University of Toronto is engaged with other educational, governmental, and health care agencies in preparing a plan of action if a global pandemic occurs. The goal of the University of Toronto and the Department of Physical Therapy during a pandemic will be to make every effort to continue the educational activities of students with the minimum disruption possible. The Department will establish lines of communication with students, faculty, and clinical educators to provide up-to-date information during any disruption of normal educational activities caused by a pandemic.