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Our Goals
In Sept 2019, we launched a revised MScPT curriculum with our shared educational values for educators and learners, which consist of three foundational pillars: critical thinking, an inquiry mindset and a strong sense of professionalism.
Based on these values, our goal is to graduate academic physical therapy practitioners who will demonstrate:
Critical Thinking
This is the ability to interpret, integrate, analyze, and evaluate various forms of knowledge to make judgments/inferences in order to make the best evidence-informed decisions for clients, families, and communities. The diverse knowledge we draw on includes clinical and life sciences, humanities and social sciences, and global and indigenous knowledge. Critical thinking requires learners to embrace ambiguity, reflect and make changes to one's self and one’s practice. A critical thinker is receptive to new ideas and ways of thinking, challenges conventional practices and will innovate new ones.
We define critical thinking as encompassing three distinct but related domains of:
- Clinical reasoning
- Critical appraisal
- Critical reflexivity
Inquiry Mindset
This is characterized by the learner taking the initiative to access relevant information and viewpoints. This mindset equips the learner to strive for the highest level of competence by employing the habits of mind needed to succeed throughout one’s professional career. Habits of mind that support an inquiry mindset include self-directed and life-long learning, flexibility in thinking, creativity and innovation, and persistence and resilience in the face of difficulties.
- A flexible and open mind to learning new knowledge
- Taking the initiative in their learning
- Being self-directed in their learning
This means acting with integrity and respect, demonstrating leadership within and outside the profession, and working towards the development of a physical therapy identity that reflects these core values. We are committed to principles of equity and diversity. This means implementing a process where learners are engaged in learning to become systemic advocates for the clients, families and diverse communities that we serve.
- Ability to act as self-regulating professionals who exhibit strong personal, moral, and ethical values
- Cognizant of the changing laws, codes, and guidelines that impact themselves and their clients
- Creative entrepreneurs with sound business acumen capable of excelling in professional practice in a wide variety of venues
MScPT Teaching and Learning Environment
Based on the revised educational mission of the MScPT program and the three overarching pillars, we aim to generate a teaching and learning environment that consists of the following specific values and actions.
The learning environment will enable learners to:
- Embrace complexity
- Deal with uncertainty
- Develop and practice resilience and perseverance
Instructors will develop a teaching environment to facilitate learning by modelling these educational values:
- Cultivating a supportive learning environment
- Providing opportunities for creativity and innovation
- Supporting and challenging the learners
- Using a common language to explicate our educational values (e.g., critical thinking, integration, inquiry mindset)
- Ensuring our shared language reflects our educational values
- Integrating diverse content and practice settings
- Supporting learners with diverse learning needs through multimodal teaching and learning methods
- Creating and using authentic cases
In the revised curriculum, we maintain the educational practices of Clinical and Basic Sciences, Evidence-Based Practice, Professionalism and Interprofessional Education and Multiple Educational Strategies
Clinical and Foundational Sciences
The curriculum provides opportunities to integrate knowledge from both the clinical and foundational sciences to understand and apply the concepts of evidence-based practice. You learn to utilize the concepts and applications in the context of the changing health care system. An emphasis is placed on movement, which occurs on a continuum from the microscopic level to the level of the individual in society. Movement is influenced by lifespan. Both the client and the physical therapy delivered are affected by human development, growth and the aging process.
Evidence-Based Practice
Scientific inquiry skills and the integration of evidence-based principles into clinical decision-making are fundamental in the curriculum. You develop your critical analysis and problem-solving skills, and your ability to integrate information from empirical and scientific literature and practical experience. Physical therapy is practiced across a continuum of care where therapeutics are delivered in acute, rehabilitative, chronic and community settings to address impairments, disabilities and, in some instances, handicaps. You render sound clinical judgments and continually evaluate your findings and therapeutic approaches.
Professionalism and Interprofessional Education
You learn and develop the skills essential to becoming health care professionals. Professional values, responsibility, accountability, sensitivity and ethical attitudes toward both the consumer and health care community are emphasized. The development of effective verbal and written communication is fostered throughout the program. You learn to evaluate and consider the implications of your professional actions. You are provided with opportunities to have interprofessional mentoring, learn from faculty from diverse disciplines and interact with small groups of interprofessional students in the clinical setting.
Multiple Educational Strategies
Professional education requires you to engage in diverse and varying learning experiences and types of evaluation. The complexity of the learning experiences evolves throughout the program. You are also encouraged to develop a sense of responsibility for your education and professional development. Collaborative learning experiences are fostered with students, faculty, physical therapy practitioners and other members of the health care system.
The MScPT curriculum is designed to integrate physical therapy practices, research and internship components, organized into 14 units to maximize educational principles. Five major themes are integral to the curriculum. Educational strategies for the program will include lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratories, case-based learning, simulation, active clinical exposure (ACE) sessions, integrated sessions and clinical internships. An enhanced research component is also integrated into the curriculum. You are required to take all units.