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- Admission Requirements
- Non-Academic Requirements
Non-Academic Requirements
You must complete the online Casper test (CSP-10211 Canada Casper 2) to be admissible to the MScPT program. Please use the same email address in both your ORPAS account and your Casper account. The Casper test can be completed on any computer with internet and a webcam from any location. For more information and to book your test, visit the Casper website. Duet and SnapShot are NOT required and will not be reviewed.
An Overview of Casper
The Casper is an online situational judgement test that evaluates personal and professional characteristics such as communication, ethics, and empathy.
When to Write Casper
Specific Casper testing dates for the University of Toronto MScPT program are on the Casper website.
How to Distribute Casper Scores to the University of Toronto, MScPT
- Applicants must select the University of Toronto MScPT program for results distribution.
- Additionally, you need to ensure that the email address you use in your ORPAS application is the same email address you use in your Casper account.
- Note: failure to follow these instructions may result in the disqualification of your application to the MScPT program.
Reference Forms and Letters
One academic reference form and accompanying letter and one professional reference form and accompanying letter are required. Both referees should be individuals who can address your aptitude for studies in a health profession. Referees should also be in a position to reasonably make statements concerning your character, communication, and academic capabilities, and special circumstances, if applicable.
- Examples of academic references include professors or instructors from a university setting.
- Examples of professional references include supervisors in either a volunteer or employment setting.
- References from family members and friends are not acceptable. Additionally, professional references from caregivers (e.g., family doctors, dentists, etc.) are not acceptable if the applicant’s sole relationship with the caregiver was as a patient.
The forms and letters must be submitted by the referees directly to ORPAS at the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre.
Computer Administered Profile (CAP)
In late March, a selection of top applicants are invited to write the Computer Administered Profile (CAP) online. This is an open-ended exam that takes place on a Saturday in April.
An Overview of the CAP
The CAP is a 2-hour exam with a series of short and long answer questions designed to assess personal characteristics/attributes, life experiences, knowledge of the profession, and critical thinking/problem-solving skills. Typical questions will explore your understanding of the profession and your ability to problem solve.
How to Submit a Request to Write the CAP on the Alternate Day
An Alternate CAP Day is reserved for applicants with academic accommodation needs, religious and/or exam conflicts, medical-related issues, or other unavoidable, extenuating circumstances. To request special consideration to write the CAP on the alternate day, please follow the instructions on your CAP invitation.
- Academic Accommodations: If you require academic accommodations, you must provide documentation from the Accessibility Office of your current institution that clearly states your name and the specific accommodations you require during examinations. It must be signed and on official letterhead.
- Examination Conflicts: If you have an examination conflict, you must provide documentation that demonstrates 1) your enrollment in the conflicting course(s) (e.g., a current timetable with your name and the conflicting course clearly stated) and 2) evidence of the date of the examination.
- Weddings: Requests for special consideration on the basis of attending a wedding may be considered under special circumstances, such as if the bride or groom is an immediate relative. Please note that a copy of the wedding invitation including the date, time, and location, as well as a copy of a boarding pass (or equivalent, if applicable) will be required in all cases. Applicants with examination/religious conflicts and academic or medical accommodation requirements are given priority over applicants requesting special consideration on the basis of a wedding.
- Vacations: We are unable to accommodate requests for special consideration based on vacations.
- Work Schedules: We are unable to accommodate individual work and/or volunteer schedules and applicants are responsible for making alternate arrangements with their employers.
- Other: For applicants with other conflicts or extenuating circumstances (e.g., religious and/or medical) please contact to discuss your situation.
- All requests to write on the Alternate CAP Day must be accompanied by supporting documentation and final decisions are made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Admissions Committee.
Requirements for Registration
You must meet all registration requirements to participate in the MScPT program. Failure to meet the requirements for registration may result in revocation of an offer of admission or cancelation of registration.
Learn more about the registration requirements for the MScPT program.