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University Prerequisite Verification
You must earn a minimum grade of B- (or 70%) in all prerequisite courses, as per the grade recorded on the transcript. All prerequisite courses must be completed within the last 7 years.
Required Prerequisites
The required prerequisites are:
one half-course equivalent in Human Physiology: The course should cover the principles of human physiology including the living cell, the internal environment; neuro-muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal and endocrine systems; metabolism; reproduction; and homeostasis. An example of an accepted course from the University of Toronto would be course PSL201Y, Basic Human Physiology. Plant physiology will NOT be accepted nor will a combined animal/plant physiology. Combined human anatomy/physiology courses are acceptable as long as you have one full credit equivalent. Exercise physiology courses will NOT be accepted towards human physiology but may be applied towards physical/life science.
one half-course equivalent in Human Anatomy: Course content must be comprehensive, covering gross anatomy of the human musculoskeletal, visceral, and neurological systems. Combined human anatomy/physiology courses are acceptable as long as applicants have one full credit equivalent.
one full course (or two half course) equivalent in Life and/or Physical Sciences.
one full course (or two half-course) equivalent in Social Sciences and/or Humanities and/or Languages.
one half-course equivalent in Statistics or Research Methods: Statistic courses that may be acceptable include basic statistics, psychology statistics, geography statistics, kinesiology statistics, biometrics and quantitative research methods. Calculus is not acceptable as a statistics course and statistics content in other courses does not meet the requirement.
You must verify that your human physiology, human anatomy and statistics/research methods courses will be accepted by confirming the courses appear on the lists below. To do this, click on the school where the prerequisite course was taken. For example, clicking on Acadia University will bring you to a list of prerequisite courses that we will accept from Acadia University.
Course titles and numbers may change over time. We list current and former course information to aid the process of verifying your prerequisites.
Examples of Life/Physical Science and Social Science/Humanities/Languages Courses
We do not list life/physical science courses, social science and/or humanities and/or languages courses because these categories are very broad and encompass hundreds of possible choices for each school. We've listed some of the commonly used courses below and their corresponding prerequisite category.
- Examples of Life Sciences include basic medical sciences, biology, pathology, etc.
- Examples of Physical Science include biomechanics, chemistry, environmental science, physics, geology, physical geography, etc.
- Examples of Social Sciences include anthropology, political science, economics, sociology, psychology, human geography, etc.
- Examples of Humanities include history, religion, philosophy, classics, English, etc.
- Examples of Languages include French, Italian, Spanish, etc.
Can’t find your prerequisite course?
If you took human physiology, human anatomy and/or a statistics/research methods course that is not found in one of the lists below or if you aren't sure if a specific course would be considered life/physical science or social sciences/humanities/languages, please email
Not sure which prerequisite course to use?
If you have completed multiple courses that could potentially be used to satisfy a prerequisite category, always use the course that most clearly fits the prerequisite criteria. You need a minimum grade of B- (or 70%) in each prerequisite course, as per the grade recorded on the transcript. The course must be completed within the last seven years. A prerequisite course will only be counted towards your sub-GPA if it occurs within the last 20 half credits completed.
Admissions FAQs
List of Universities
Acadia University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ECON 2613 | Empirical Analysis | 0.5 |
MATH 1213 | Statistics: Business/Behaviour SCI 1 | 0.5 |
MATH 1223 | Statistics: Business/Behaviour SCI 2 | 0.5 |
MATH 2223 | Applied Statistics For Science | 0.5 |
MATH 2233 | Statistics for Life Sciences 1 | 0.5 |
MATH 2243 | Statistics for Life Sciences 2 | 0.5 |
PSYC 2013 | Research Design/Analysis 1 | 0.5 |
PSYC 2023 | Research Design/Analysis 2 | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 2813 | Human Physiology & Anatomy 1 | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 2823 | Human Physiology & Anatomy 2 | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 3173 | Vertebrate Physiology 1 | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3183 | Vertebrate Physiology 2 | 0.5 | x | |
KINE 1413 | Applied Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KINE 2413 | Applied Human Physiology 1 | 0.5 | x | |
KINE 2423 | Applied Human Physiology 2 | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered.
Algoma University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
STAT 2126 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 3126 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 3127 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
Athabasca University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Course Weight |
MATH 215 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 216 | Computer-oriented Approach to Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 315 | Methods in Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
MGSC 301 | Statistics for Business and Economics I | 0.5 |
MGSC 312 | Statistics for Business and Economics II | 0.5 |
PSYC 304 | Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
SOCI 301 | Social Statistics | 0.5 |
SOSC 366 | Research Methods in the Social Sciences | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Course Title | Course Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 230 | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
BIOL 235 | Human Physiology & Anatomy | 1 | x | x |
BIOL 320 | Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates | 0.5 | x |
Bishop's University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BMA 140ab | Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions I | 0.5 |
BMA 140ab | Statistical Analysis for Business Decisions II | 0.5 |
ESG 260 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
ESG 261 | Quantitative Methods | 0.5 |
MAT 313a or MAT 213a* | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
MAT 314b or MAT 214b* | Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
PHY 101 | Statistical Methods in Experimental Science | 0.5 |
PMA 260a or PMA 160* | Psychological Statistics | 0.5 |
PMA 360b or PMA 161* | Advanced Psychological Statistics | 0.5 |
PMA 460b or PMA 261* | Multivariate Statistics | 0.5 |
PSY 213b or PSY 113* | Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSY 313a or PSY 215* | Advanced Research Methods | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIO 216a* | General Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 233 or BIO 133* | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Brandon University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
12:293 | Social Research Methods I | 0.5 |
12:294 | Social Research Methods II | 0.5 |
15:351 or 94:351* | Research Methods in Life & Environmental Sciences | 0.5 |
62:171 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
62:172 | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
82:250 | Fundamentals of Psychological Methods | 0.5 |
82:251 | Fundamentals of Psychological MethodsIII | 0.5 |
90:293 | Social Research Methods I | 0.5 |
90:294 | Social Research Methods II | 0.5 |
90:351 | Quantitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
15:132 or 94:132* | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
15:414 or 94:414* | Advanced Human Anatomy | 1 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Brock University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
CHSC 2Q07* | Introduction to Research Design & Evaluation | 0.5 |
CHST 3F40* | Research Methods in Child Development | 1 |
HLSC 2P27 | Research Methods in Health | 0.5 |
KINE 2P08 | Research Design in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
KINE 3P08 | Quantitative Analysis | 0.5 |
MATH 1F92 | Introductory Statistics | 1.0 |
MATH 1P98 | Practical Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 2P82 | Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 2P98 | Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 3P85 | Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
PEKN 2P08* | Research Design & Evaluation | 0.5 |
RECL2P07 | Introduction to Research Design and Evaluation | 0.5 |
RECL3Q17 | Qualitative Approaches to Inquire | 0.5 |
PEKN 3P08 | Quantitative Analysis | 0.5 |
PSYC 2F23 | Statistics & Research Design in the Behavioural Science | 1 |
SOCI 2P11 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 2F10* | Research Methods in Social Relations | 1 |
SOCI 2P13* | Introduction to Social Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 2P97 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
CHSC 2F95* | Human Anatomy | 1.0 | x | |
CHSC 2P09* | Introduction to Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
HLSC 2F95 | Human Anatomy | 1.0 | x | |
HLSC 2P95 | Human Systems Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
HLSC2P96 | Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
HLSC 2P09 | Principles of Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
KINE 1P90 (or PEKN 1P90*) | Foundations of Human Anatomy & Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
KINE 1P98 | Musculoskeletal Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KINE 1P99 | Foundations of Human Anatomy and Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
KINE 2P09 (or PEKN 2P09*) | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
KINE 3P98 (or PEKN 3P98*) | Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Cape Breton University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
AN/S268* or POLS 268* | Quantitative Research Methods & Statistics in Social Science | 1 |
AN/S2212 or POLS 2162 | Quantitative Research Methods & Statistics in Social Science | 1 |
MATH135* | Introductory Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH136* | Introductory Statistics II | 0.5 |
MATH153* | Experiences in Mathematics I: Descriptive & Basic Inferential Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH243* | Elementary Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH244* | Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
MATH1109 | Introductory Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH1211 | Introductory Statistics II | 0.5 |
MATH1215 | Experiences in Mathematics I: Descriptive & Basic Inferential Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH2106 | Elementary Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH2207 | Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
MATH3209 | Probability and Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
MGSC1108 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
NURS3102 | Nursing Statistics and Research Methods | 1 |
NURS3106 | Nursing Research Methods | 0.5 |
NURS3107 | Introductory Statistics for Nursing and Health | 0.5 |
POLS268* | Quantitative Research Methods & Statistics in Social Science | 1 |
PSYC303* | Research Practicum in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC2101 | Data Analysis | 0.5 |
PSYC2111 | Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC3101 | Advanced Statistics and Research Writing | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL360* | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
BIOL2203 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL3200 | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
BIOL3203 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL4203 | Advanced Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
PUBH2104 or PUBH 214* | Anatomy & Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Carleton University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
CRCJ 3001 | Quantitative Methods in Criminology | 0.5 |
ECON 2201 | Statistical Methods in Economics and Business I | 0.5 |
ECON 2202 | Statistical Methods in Economics and Business II | 0.5 |
ENST 2006 or GEOG 2006 | Introduction to Quantitative Research | 0.5 |
NEUR 5201 | Statistics for Neuroscience I | 0.5 |
NEUR 5202 | Statistics for Neuroscience II | 0.5 |
PSCI 2701 | Introduction to Research Methods in Political Science | 0.5 |
PSCI 2702 | Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science | 0.5 |
PSYC 2001 or NEUR 2001 | Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 2002 or NEUR 2002 | Introduction to Statistics in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 3000 | Design & Analysis in Psychological Research | 1 |
STAT 2507 | Introduction to Statistical Modeling I | 0.5 |
STAT 2509 | Introduction to Statistical Modeling II | 0.5 |
STAT 2559 | Basics of Statistical Modeling (Honours) | 0.5 |
STAT 2606 | Business Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 2607 | Business Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 3502 | Probability & Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 4605 | Statistical Methods in Biostatistics (Honours) | 0.5 |
STAT 4606 | Practices in Biostatistics (Honours) | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 2005 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3305 or *BIOL 61.335 | Human and Comparative Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3306 | Human Anatomy and Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 3307 | Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Concordia University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 322 | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
COMM 215 | Business Statistics | 0.5 |
EXCI 250 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
EXCI 310 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
EXCI 322 | Statistics for Exercise Science | 0.5 |
INTE 296 | Discover Statistics | 0.5 |
MAST 333 | Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 310 | Research Methods and Design I | 0.5 |
PSYC 311 | Research Methods and Designs II | 0.5 |
PSYC 315 | Statistical Analysis Psychology I | 0.5 |
PSYC 316 | Statistical Analysis Psychology II | 0.5 |
SOCI 212 | Statistics I | 0.5 |
SOCI 213 | Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 249 | Probability I | 0.5 |
STAT 250 | Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 450 | STAT 450 Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
EXCI 253 | Human Anatomy I: Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
EXCI 254 | Human Anatomy II: Systemic Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
EXCI 257 | Human Physiology I: The Neurological, Bio-energetic & Endocrine Systems | 0.5 | x | |
EXCI 357 | Human Physiology II: The Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems | 0.5 | x | |
EXCI 460 | Integrative Human Physiology | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Dalhousie University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
CHEM 4205 | Chemometrics | 0.5 |
COMM 2501.03 | Statistics for Business 1 | 0.5 |
COMM 2502.03 | Statistics for Business 2 | 0.5 |
ENGM 2032 | Applied Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
HAHP 3100.03 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
MATH 1060.03 | Introduction to Statistics for Science & Health Science | 0.5 |
MATH 2060.03 | Introduction to Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 2080.03 | Statistical Methods for Data Analysis & Inference | 0.5 |
MATH 3340.03 | Regression & Analysis of Variance | 0.5 |
MATH 3360.03 | Probability | 0.5 |
PSYO 2000.03 | Methods in Experimental Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYO 2500.03 | Contemporary Research Problems in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYO 2501.03 | Statistical Methods I | 0.5 |
PSYO 3502.03 | Statistical Methods II | 0.5 |
SOSA 4001.03 | Quantitative Analysis for the Social Sciences I | 0.5 |
SOSA 4002.03 | Quantitative Analysis for the Social Sciences II | 0.5 |
STAT 1060.03 | Introduction to Statistics for Science & Health Science | 0.5 |
STAT 2060.03 | Introduction to Probability & Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 2080.03 | Statistical Methods for Data Analysis & Inference | 0.5 |
STAT 3340.03 | Regression & Analysis of Variance | 0.5 |
STAT 3360.03 | Probability | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ANAT 1010.03 | Basic Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 1020.03 | Basic Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 1040.03 | Basic Human Anatomy for Pharmacy Students | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 3010.03 | Introductory Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
HSCE 1020.03 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
HSCE 1030.03 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
KINE 2320.03 | Kinesiological Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
PHYL 1000X/Y.06 | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
PHYL 1001 AND PHYL 1002 | Human Physiology 1 AND Human Physiology II | 1 | x | |
PHYL 1010X/Y.06 | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
PHYL 1011.03 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
PHYL 1400.06 | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
PHYL 2031.03 | Human Physiology A | 0.5 | x | |
PHYL 2032.03 | Human Physiology B | 0.5 | x | |
PHYL 2041.03 | Human Systems Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
PHYL 2044.03 | Human Systems Physiology | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Guelph University
Any prerequisite courses taken through the University of Guelph-Humber must be listed with a course code and grade on the Guelph university transcript in order to satisfy our requirements.
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
HHNS 6810 | Research Methods in Integrative Biomechanics and Neurophysiology | 0.5 |
POPM*3240 | Epidemiology | 0.5 |
PSYC 1010 | Quantification in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 2040 | Research Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 2360 | Introductory Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSYC 3250 | Psychological Measurement | 0.5 |
PSYC 3370 | Experimental Design & Analysis | 0.5 |
PSYC 3380 | Non-Experimental Research Methods | 0.5 |
SCMA 2040 (Guelph-Humber) | Research Methods for Social Science | 0.5 |
SCMA 2070 (Guelph-Humber) | Statistics and Research Concepts | 0.75 |
SCMA 2110 (Guelph-Humber) | Research Methods for Kinesiology | 0.5 |
SCMA 3000 (Guelph-Humber) | Probability & Statistics | 0.5 |
SCMA 3010 (Guelph-Humber) | Research Methods in Business | 0.5 |
SCMA 3040 (Guelph-Humber) | Quantitative Methods for Social Science | 0.5 |
SOAN 2120 | Introductory Methods | 0.5 |
SOAN 3120 | Quantitative Methods | 0.5 |
STAT 2040 | Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 2050 | Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 2080 | Introduction to Applied Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 2090 | Introduction to Applied Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 2120 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 0.5 |
STAT 2230 | Biostatistics for Integrative Biology | 0.5 |
STAT 3100 | Introductory Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 3110 | Introductory Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 6950 | Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOM 2000 | Concepts in Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOM 3200 | Biomedical Physiology | 1.0 | x | |
HK 2810 | Human Physiology I: Concepts and Principles | 0.5 | x | |
HK 3401/2 | Human Anatomy: Dissection | 1.5 | x | |
HK 3501/2 | Human Anatomy: Prosection | 1.5 | x | |
HK 3810 | Human Physiology II: Integrated Systems | 0.5 | x | |
HK 3940* | Human Physiology | 1.25 | x | |
HK 4441/2 | Advanced Study in Human Anatomy | 1 | x | |
KIN 1030 (Guelph-Humber) | Human Anatomy I | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 1040 (Guelph-Humber) | Human Anatomy II | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 1060 (Guelph-Humber) | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 2060 (Guelph-Humber) | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 4040 (Guelph-Humber) | Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
SCMA 2020 (Guelph-Humber) | Basic Concepts of Anatomy and Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Lakehead University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
KINE 3030 | Introductory Statistics | 0.5 |
KINE 3230 or *KINE 4030 | Research Processes | 0.5 |
KINE 5010 | Research Methods and Design | 0.5 |
KINE 5011 | Statistical Analysis in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
MATH 0210 | Quantitative Methods for the Social Scientist | 0.5 |
MATH 0212 | Quantitative Methods for the Health Scientist | 0.5 |
MATH 2310 | Elementary Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 2311 | Elementary Statistical Methods | 0.5 |
MATH 2321* | Statistics | 1 |
MATH 3332 or 2331* | Introduction to Mathematical Probability | 0.5 |
MATH 3334 or 2333* | Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 4030 | Probability & Statistics | 0.5 |
NURS 3510 | Introduction to Nursing Research | 0.5 |
NURS 4510 | Nursing Research II | 0.5 |
PSYC 2101 | Statistical Methods for Behavioural Research | 1 |
PSYC 4111 | Advanced Statistics for Behavioural Research | 0.5 |
SOCI 3310 | Foundations for Social Research | 0.5 |
SOCI 3311 | Research Techniques & Data Analysis | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 2011 | Human Musculoskeletal Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2012 | Human Internal Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2020* | Human Anatomy | 1 | x | |
BIOL 2030 | Introductory Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2035 | Human Physiology Survey | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2070 | Human Structure | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Laurentian University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 3327EL | Experimental Methods in Biology | 0.5 |
COMM 5616EL | Business Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 3236EL | Probability & Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 4236EL | Topics in Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 4237EL | Topics in Statistics II | 0.5 |
PHED 2216EL | Research Methods in Human Kinetics | 0.5 |
PHED 3327EL | Research Methods in Biology | 0.5 |
PSYC 2127EL | Scientific Methods & Analysis II | 0.5 |
PSYC 3256EL | Design & Analysis I | 0.5 |
PSYC 3257EL | Design & Analysis II | 0.5 |
SOCI 2127EL | Research Methods & Data Analysis | 0.5 |
SOCI 4026EL | Quantitative Methods | 0.5 |
STAT 1056EL | Business Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 2126EL | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 2246EL | Statistics for Science | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 1700EL | Structure & Function of the Human Body | 1 | x | x |
BIOL 2105EL | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
BIOL 2107EL* | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2701EL | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3756EL | Vertebrate Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
PHED 1506EL | Anatomy and Kinesiology I | 0.5 | x | |
PHED 1507EL | Anatomy and Kinesiology II | 0.5 | x | |
PHED 2506EL | Physiology I (used to be Physiological Basis of Human Performance I) | 0.5 | x | |
PHED 2507EL | Physiology II (used to be Physiological Basis of Human Performance II) | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
MacEwan University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
PEDS 109 | Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation | 0.5 |
STAT 151 | Introduction to Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
PEDS 101 | Introduction to Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
PEDS 103 | Integrative Human Physiology | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
McGill University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
AEMA 310 | Statistical Methods 1 | 0.5 |
BIOL 373 | Biometry | 0.5 |
ECON 227D1/D2 | Economic Statistics | 1 |
EDKP 443 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
MATH 203 | Principles of Statistics 1 | 0.5 |
MATH 204 | Principles of Statistics 2 | 0.5 |
MATH 323 | Probability | 0.5 |
MATH 324 | Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 357 | Honours Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 423 | Regression & Analysis of Variance | 0.5 |
MGCR 271 | Business Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 204 | Introduction to Psychological Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 305 | Statistics for Experimental Design | 0.5 |
PSYC 451 | Human Factors Research & Techniques | 0.5 |
PSYC 536 | Correlational Techniques | 0.5 |
SOCI 350 | Statistics in Social Research | 0.5 |
SOCI 461 | Quantitative Data Analysis | 0.5 |
SOCI 504 | Quantitative Methods 1 | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ANAT 214 | Systemic Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 315 | Anatomy/Limbs and Back | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 316 | Human Visceral Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
ANSC 323 | Mammalian Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
EDKP 205* | Structural Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
EDKP 293 | Anatomy & Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
HLSC 120 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
HLSC 126 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
HLSC 128 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
PHGY 201* | Human Physiology: Control Systems | 0.5 | x | |
PHGY 202* | Human Physiology: Body Functions | 0.5 | x | |
PHGY 209 | Mammalian Physiology 1 | 0.5 | x | |
PHGY 210 | Mammalian Physiology 2 | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
McMaster University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ARTS&SCI 2R03 | Applied Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
HTHSCI 2A03 | Statistics | 0.5 |
HTHSCI 2GG3 | Statistics and Epidemiology II | 0.5 |
HTHSCI 2S03 | Introduction to Statistics for Nursing | 0.5 |
HTHSCI 3C04 | Introduction to Research Methods and Critical Appraisal | 0.5 |
HUMBEHV 3MD3 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
KINESIOL 1G03* | Research Methodologies & Data Analyses | 0.5 |
KINESIOL 3C03* | Statistics & Research Design | 0.5 |
LIFE SCI 2A03 | Research Methodologies in Life Sciences | 0.5 |
MS 707 | Statistical Methods in Health Sciences Research | 0.5 |
PNB 2XE3 | Descriptive Statistics | 0.5 |
PNB 3XE3 | Inferential Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYCH 3LL3* | General Experimental Psychology Laboratory | 0.5 |
SOCIOL 3H06 | Research Techniques & Data Analysis | 1 |
SOC SCI 2J03 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STATS 1CC3 | Introductory Computer–Aided Statistics | 0.5 |
STATS 1L03 | Probability & Linear Algebra | 0.5 |
STATS 1LL3 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
STATS 2B03 | Statistical Methods for Science | 0.5 |
STATS 2D03 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
STATS 2MB3 | Statistical Methods & Application | 0.5 |
STATS 3J04 | Probability and Statistics for Civil Engineering | 0.5 |
STATS 3Y03 | Probability and Statistics for Engineering | 0.5 |
PSYCH 2RA3 | Statistics & Research Design in Behavioural Science I | 0.5 |
PSYCH 2RB3 | Statistics & Research Design in Behavioural Science II | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOLOGY 2A03 | Integrative Physiology of Animals | 0.5 | x | |
ENG PHYS 3X03* | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
HTHSCI 1D06 | Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
HTHSCI 1H06 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 1 | x | x |
HTHSCI 2F03 | Human Physiology & Anatomy I | 0.5 | x | x |
HTHSCI 2FF3 | Human Physiology & Anatomy II | 0.5 | x | x |
HTHSCI 2L03 | Anatomy and Physiology I: Communication | 0.5 | x | x |
HTHSCI 2LL3 | Anatomy and Physiology II: Homeostasis | 0.5 | x | x |
KINESIOL 1A03 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
KINESIOL 1A06 | Human Anatomy/Physiology | 1 | x | x |
KINESIOL 1AA3 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
KINESIOL 1X06* | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
KINESIOL 1Y03 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
KINESIOL 1YY3 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
KINESIOL 2Y03 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
KINESIOL 2YY3 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
KINESIOL 4J03 | Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Memorial University utilizes a slightly different grading scale from what is considered the norm. A 65-79% is considered to be in the “B” range, by both Memorial and ORPAS. Therefore, the minimum mark required for prerequisites from Memorial is 65% or “B”, as per the grade listed on the transcript.
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 4605 | Quantitative Methods in Biology | 0.5 |
ED 2900 | Introduction to Statistics in Education | 0.5 |
GEOG 3222 | Research Design & Quantitative Methods in Geography | 0.5 |
HKR 4600 | Introduction to Research | 0.5 |
MATH 3410 | Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 3411* | Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
MATH 4410* | Mathematical Statistics III | 0.5 |
PSYC 2910 | Research Methods in Psychology I | 0.5 |
PSYC 2911 | Research Methods in Psychology II | 0.5 |
PSYC 2925 | Research Methods & Data Analysis in Psychology I | 0.5 |
PSYC 2950 | Research Methods & Data Analysis in Psychology II | 0.5 |
PSYC 3900 | Design & Analysis III | 0.5 |
PSYC 3950 | Research Methods & Data Analysis in Psychology III | 0.5 |
SOCI 3040 | Introduction to Methods of Social Research | 0.5 |
SOCI 3041 | Theory and Practice of Sociological Research | 0.5 |
STAT 2500 | Statistics For Business & Arts Students | 0.5 |
STAT 2501 | Further Statistics For Business & Arts Students | 0.5 |
STAT 2510* | Statistics for Physical Science Students | 0.5 |
STAT 2550 | Statistics for Science Students | 0.5 |
STAT 2560 | Further Statistics for Science Students | 0.5 |
STAT 3410 | Probability & Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 4590 | Statistical Analysis of Data I | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOCHEM 311A/B* | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
HKR 2310 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
HKR 2320 | Primary Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
MED 310 A/B | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
NURS 1002 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
NURS 1012 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
NURS 2740 | Current Concepts in Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
PHAR 2002 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
PHAR 2003 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Mount Allison University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 2701 | Introductory Design & Statistical Analysis | 0.5 |
BIOL 4711 | Advanced Biometrics | 0.5 |
MATH 2311 | Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 2321 | Statistics II | 0.5 |
MATH 3311 | Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 3321 | Probability & Statistics II | 0.5 |
PSYC 2001 | Research Design & Analysis I | 0.5 |
PSYC 2011 | Research Design & Analysis II | 0.5 |
PSYC 3001 | Advanced Experimental Design & Analysis | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 3211 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3221 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Mount Royal University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
HPED 2030 | Statistics and Research Methods | 0.5 |
MATH 2233 | Statistics for the Biological Sciences | 0.5 |
MGMT 2262 | Business Statistics | 0.5 |
MGMT 2263 | Business Statistics II | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 1216 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2233 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3104 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
PHYL 1512 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Mount Saint Vincent University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
MATH 2206 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
MATH 2207* | Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 2208 | Introduction to Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 2209 | Introduction to Probability & Statistics II | 0.5 |
MATH 3303 | Intermediate Applied Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 3304 | Intermediate Applied Statistics II | 0.5 |
PSYC 2209 | Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 3312 | Advanced Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
SOAN 3313 | Research Methods I: Introduction to Social Research | 0.5 |
SOAN 3314 | Research Methods II: Quantitative Approaches | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 2205 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 2206 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Nipissing University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ADMN 2606 | Business Statistics | 0.5 |
CHFS 3026 | Methods in Behavioural Research | 0.5 |
BIOL 3117 | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
ECON 2126 | Elementary Statistical Methods for Economists | 0.5 |
GEOG 2026 | Introduction to Quantitative Methods | 0.5 |
MATH 1257 | Technical Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 2076 | Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 3276 | Probability & Statistics II | 0.5 |
PHED 2306 or PHED 3217* | Research Methods & Statistics in Physical Activity | 0.5 |
PHED 2406 | Research Methods in Physical Activity | 0.5 |
PHED 3306 | Statistics in Physical Activity | 0.5 |
PSYC 2126 | Scientific Method & Analysis I | 0.5 |
PSYC 2127 | Scientific Method & Analysis II | 0.5 |
PSYC 3356 | Design & Analysis I | 0.5 |
PSYC 3357 | Design & Analysis II | 0.5 |
SOCI 2126 | Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 2127 | Social Statistics & Data Analysis | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 2706 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 2707 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
PHED 1206 | Systemic Approaches to Functional Human Anatomy I |
0.5 | x | |
PHED 1207 | Systemic Approaches to Functional Human Anatomy II |
0.5 | x | |
PHED 2216 | Systemic Approach to Integrated Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
PHED 2217 | Systemic Approach to Integrated Human Physiology | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Ontario Tech University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BUSI 1450U | Statistics | 0.5 |
HLSC 3800U | Critical Appraisal of Statistics in Health Science | 0.5 |
HLSC 3910U | Research Methods for Health Care Professionals: Theory and Application | 0.5 |
SSCI 2900U | Research Methods | 0.5 |
SSCI 2910U | Data Analysis | 0.5 |
STAT 2010U | Statistics and Probability for Physical Science | 0.5 |
STAT 2020U | Statistics and Probability for Biological Science | 0.5 |
STAT 2800U | Statistics and Probability for Engineers | 0.5 |
STAT 3010U | Biostatistics in Life Sciences | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 2010U | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2050U | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3040U | Physiology of Regulatory Systems | 0.5 | x | |
HLSC 1200U | Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
HLSC 1201U | Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
HLSC 2202U | Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
HLSC 3470U | Kinesiology I: Anatomy of Human Movement | 0.5 | x | |
HLSC 4473U | Practical Human Anatomy I: Back and Lower Limbs | 0.5 | x | |
HLSC 4474U | Practical Human Anatomy II: Head, Neck and Upper Limbs | 0.5 | x | |
KINE 1010U | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
KINE 1100U | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
Queen’s University
Until May 2011, Queen’s University utilized a slightly different grading scale from what is considered the norm. A 65-79% was considered to be in the “B” range, by both Queen’s and ORPAS. Therefore, the minimum mark required for prerequisites taken at Queen’s up until May 2011 is 65% or “B”, as per the grade listed on the transcript. After May 2011, 70-72.9% is considered equivalent to a B- by both Queen’s and ORPAS and this grade (or higher) must be obtained to meet our minimum requirements.
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 243 | Statistics for Biologists | 0.5 |
CHEE 209 | Analysis of Process Data | 0.5 |
COMM 162 | Managerial Statistics | 0.5 |
ECON 250 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
EPID 301 | Principles of Epidemiology | 0.5 |
EPID 401 | Biostatistical Data Analysis for Life Science Students | 0.5 |
EPID 804 | Intermediate Biostatistics | 0.5 |
GPHY 247 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
HLTH 252 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
HSCI 190 | Introduction to Statistics for the Health Sciences | 0.5 |
HSCI 270 | Fundamentals of Health Research Methodology | 0.5 |
KNPE 251 or PHED 251* | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
MMA 863 | Mathematical Foundations for Analytics/ Introduction to Analytic Modelling | 0.5 |
MTHE 367 | Engineering Data Analysis | 0.5 |
NURS 323 | Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis | 0.5 |
POLS 385 | Quantitative Approaches to Political Studies | 0.5 |
PSYC 202 | Statistics in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 203 | Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 300* | Advanced Experimental Psychology | 1 |
PSYC 301 | Advanced Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
PSYC 302 | Advanced Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCY 210 | Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCY 211 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
SOCY 321 | Research Methodology | 0.5 |
STAM 200 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 263 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 264* | Introduction to Data Analysis & Inference | 0.5 |
STAT 268 | Statistics & Probability I | 0.5 |
STAT 269 | Statistics & Probability II | 0.5 |
STAT 351 | Probability I | 0.5 |
STAT 353 | Probability II | 0.5 |
STAT 361 | Applied Methods in Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 363* | Fundamentals of Statistical Inference | 1 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ANAT 100 | Anatomy of the Human Body | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 101 | Introductory Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 215 | Principles of Human Morphology I | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 216 | Principles of Human Morphology II | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 270 | Human Anatomy and Morphology | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 315 | The Human Musculoskeletal System | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 316 | The Human Visceral Systems | 0.5 | x | |
ANAT 380 | Clinically Relevant Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
IDIS 150 | Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
KNPE 125 | Introduction to the Physiology of Human Movement | 0.5 | x | |
KNPE 225 or *KINE 225 | Integrative Physiology of Human Movement | 0.5 | x | |
PHGY 210 | Physiology for Health Sciences | 1 | x | |
PHGY 212 | Physiology for the Life Sciences | 1 | x | |
PHGY 214* | Mammalian Physiology | 1 | x | |
PHGY 215 | Principles of Mammalian Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
PHGY 216 | Principles of Mammalian Physiology II | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Saint Mary’s University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 2308 | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
BIOL 4004 | Advanced Biostatistics | 0.5 |
CRIM 2100 | Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
CRIM 3102 | Quantitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
CRIM 4502 | Advanced Research Methodology | 0.5 |
CRIM 4461 | Applied Survey Design | 0.5 |
MATH 1207.1* | Survey of Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 1216 | Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 2315 | Introduction to Probability Theory | 0.5 |
MATH 3415 | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 3416* | Mathematical Probability | 0.5 |
PSYC 2340 | Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 2350 | Psychological Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 4401 | Advanced Statistics | 0.5 |
SOCI 2100 | Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 2364.1* | Research Design | 0.5 |
SOCI 2365.1* | Data Analysis | 0.5 |
SOCI 3102 | Quantitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 4461* | Applied Survey Design | 0.5 |
SOCI 4462* | Quantitative Methodology | 0.5 |
SOCI 4493.1* | Advanced Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 4502 | Advanced Research Methodology | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 2322.1* | General Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2323.1* | General Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3005 or BIOL 2005* | Human Organ Systems | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3004 | Principles of Physiology (Formerly BIOL2004) | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL3021 |
Integrative Vertebrate Physiology |
0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Simon Fraser University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ARCH 375 | Quantitative Methods in Archaeology | 0.5 |
BPK 304 or KIN 304-3* | Inquiry & Measurement in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
BPK 304W or KIN 304W-3* | Inquiry & Measurement in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
BUEC 232 | Data and Decisions I | 0.5 |
BUEC 333 | Statistical Analysis of Economic Data | 0.5 |
HSCI 307 | Research Methods in Health Sciences | 0.5 |
PSYC 201-4* | Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 201W | Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 210 | Introduction to Data Analysis in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 301 | Intermediate Research Methods & Data Analysis | 0.5 |
PSYC 410 | Research Design I | 0.5 |
PSYC 411 | Research Design II | 0.5 |
SA 255 | Introduction to Social Research (SA) | 0.5 |
STAT 101 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 201 | Statistics for the Life Sciences | 0.5 |
STAT 203 | Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences | 0.5 |
STAT 205 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 270 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 285 | Intermediate Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 302 | Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data | 0.5 |
STAT 305 | Introduction to Biostatistical Methods for Health Sciences | 0.5 |
STAT 330 | Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 340 | Introduction to Statistical Computing and Exploratory Data Analysis | 0.5 |
STAT 341 | STT-Introduction to Statistical Computing and Exploratory Data Analysis – R | 0.5 |
STAT 342 | STT-Introduction to Statistical Computing and Exploratory Data Analysis – SAS | 0.5 |
STAT 403 | Intermediate Sampling and Experimental Design | 0.5 |
STAT 410 | Statistical Analysis of Sample Surveys | 0.5 |
STAT 430 | Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BPK 105 or KIN 105-3* |
Fundamentals of Human Structure & Function | 0.5 | x | |
BPK 205 or KIN 205-3* |
Introduction to Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BPK 208 or KIN 208-3* |
Introduction to Physiological Systems | 0.5 | x | |
BPK 305 or KIN 305-3* |
Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
BPK 306 or KIN 306-3* |
Human Physiology II (Principles of Physiological Regulation) | 0.5 | x | |
BPK 324 or KIN 324-3* |
Principles of Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BPK 325 or KIN 325-3* |
Basic Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BPK 326 or KIN 326-4* |
Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BPK 407 or KIN 407-3* |
Human Physiology Laboratory | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
St. Francis Xavier University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 331 | Statistical Methods | 0.5 |
ECON 271 | Quantitative Methods in Economics | 0.5 |
HKIN 301 | Elementary Statistics | 0.5 |
HKIN 396 | Quantitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
HNU 395 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
INFO 397 | Information Systems Research Methods | 0.5 |
MATH 331 | Statistical Methods | 0.5 |
NURS 300 | Research Methods | 1 |
NURS 310 | Nursing Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSCI 399 | Research Methods and Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 290* | Research Methods & Statistics | 1 |
PSYC 291 | Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 292 | Introductory Statistics for Psychological Research | 0.5 |
PSYC 390* | Advanced Statistics for Psychological Research | 1 |
PSYC 394 | Advanced Statistics for Psychological Research | 0.5 |
SOCI 300 | Research Methods | 1 |
SOCI 305 | Applied Methods in Social Research | 1 |
STAT 101 | Introductory Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 201 | Elementary Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 224 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 0.5 |
STAT 231 | Statistics for Students in the Sciences | 0.5 |
STAT 331 | Statistical Methods | 0.5 |
STAT 333 | Introductory Probability Theory | 0.5 |
STAT 334 | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 435 | Regression Analysis | 0.5 |
STAT 472 | Topics in Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 251 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 252 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
St. Thomas University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
GERO 3053 | Qualitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
MATH 3913 | Statistics with Applications | 0.5 |
PSYC 2013 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 2023 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSYC 3043 | Qualitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSYC 3933 | Advanced Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 3953 | Quantitative Methods | 0.5 |
RELG 3013 | Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
RELG 3053 | Qualitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 2013 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 2023 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
SOCI 3043 | Qualitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Students at St. Thomas University are able to register for courses at the University of New Brunswick while remaining full-time STU students. Please see our UNB page for a list of acceptable anatomy and physiology courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
No listings on file. |
Thompson Rivers University
TRU Open Learning courses are available through Thompson Rivers University’s distance and online education program.
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 3000 | Biometrics | 0.5 |
BUEC 2320 | Economics & Business Statistics 1 | 0.5 |
BUEC 3330 | Economics & Business Statistics 2 | 0.5 |
BUSN 3980 | Business Research Methodology | 0.5 |
ECON 2320 | Statistics for Business and Economics 1 | 0.5 |
ECON 2330 | Statistics for Business and Economics 2 | 0.5 |
MATH 3020 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
PSYC 2100 | Analysis of Psychological Data | 0.5 |
PSYC 2110 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSYC 2111 (TRU Open Learning) | Introduction to Research in Experimental Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 3190 | Experimental Design & Quantitative Methods | 0.5 |
PSYC 3610 | Integrated Methods and Analysis of Psychological Data | 0.5 |
PSYC 4100 | Advanced Research & Methodology | 0.5 |
RSMT 3501 (TRU Open Learning) | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 2710* | Introduction to Social Statistics | 0.5 |
SOCI 2720 | Introductory Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
STAT 1019 (TRU Open Learning) | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 1200 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 1201 (TRU Open Learning) | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 2000 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 2019 (TRU Open Learning) | Statistics for the Life Sciences | 0.5 |
STAT 2039 (TRU Open Learning) | Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences | 0.5 |
STAT 2410* | Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 2709 (TRU Open Learning) | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half credit in human anatomy and one half credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 1590 or BIOL 159* | Human Biology: Anatomy & Physiology 1 | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 1593 or HLSC 159* (TRU Open Learning) | Anatomy & Physiology 1 | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 1690 or BIOL 169* | Human Biology: Anatomy & Physiology 2 | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 1693 or HLSC 169* (TRU Open Learning) | Anatomy & Physiology 2 | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 3540 | Human Physiology 1 | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3550 | Human Physiology 2 | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 3701 | Human Anatomy for Health Care Professionals | 0.5 | x | |
HLTH 1121 | Foundational Human Anatomy-Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
Courses taken through Toronto Metropolitan University’s G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education must be taken for degree credit. Certificate credits cannot be used to satisfy prerequisite requirements.
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ACS 401 or CACS 401 | Introduction to Research & Statistics | 0.5 |
CLD 322 or CCLD 322 | Research I: Methods | 0.5 |
CLD 323 or CCLD 323 | Research II: Application | 0.5 |
CHSM 417 | Research Methodology | 0.5 |
CMTH 304 | Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
DST 88B | Research Methods-B | 1 |
ENH 440 | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
ENH 522 | Epidemiology: Research Methods | 0.5 |
FNR 100 | Introduction to Research & Statistics | 0.5 |
FNR 201 | Research Methods and Statistics | 0.5 |
FNR 310 | Senior Quantitative Research Project | 0.5 |
MTH 203* | Statistics | 0.5 |
MTH 304 | Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
MTH 380 or CMTH 380 | Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
MTH 404 | Probability & Statistics II | 0.5 |
MTH 410 | Statistics | 0.5 |
MTH 480 or CMTH 480 | Probability & Statistics II | 0.5 |
MTH 614* | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
NUR 80A/B | Research Design, Measurement, Apps | 1 |
NUR 850 | Nursing: Research Methods | 0.5 |
NUR 860 | Statistics and Nursing | 0.5 |
PSY 411 | Research Methods & Statistics I | 0.5 |
PSY 511 | Research Methods & Statistics II | 0.5 |
PSY 711 | Advanced Research Methods & Statistics | 0.5 |
QMS 102 or CQMS 102 | Business Statistics I | 0.5 |
QMS 202 | Business Statistics II | 0.5 |
QMS 230 | Statistics for Accounting and Finance | 0.5 |
SOC 411 | Introduction to Quantitative Methods | 0.5 |
SOC 481 | Survey Design & Analysis | 0.5 |
SOC 483 | Advanced Statistical Modeling | 0.5 |
SWP 538 | Social Work Research: Part I | 0.5 |
SWP 638 | Social Work Research: Part II | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BLG 10A/B or CBLG 10A/B | Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
BLG 600 or CBLG 600 | Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BLG 601 | Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BLG 700 | Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BLG 701 | Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
CBLG 101 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
CBLG 111 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
PLN 103 | Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
PLN 203 | Physiology II | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Trent University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 2000H | Methods of Biological Inquiry | 0.5 |
BIOL-ERSC 4030H | Research Design and Data Analysis | 0.5 |
ECON-ADMN 2200H | Introduction to Statistics for Economics and Management | 0.5 |
GEOG-BIOL-ERSC 2080H | Natural Science Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 1050Y | A Non-Calculus-Based Introduction to Probability & Statistical Methods | 1 |
MATH 1051H | Non-Calculus Statistics I: Elementary Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 1052H | Non-Calculus Statistics II: Elementary Statistical Methods | 0.5 |
MATH 1550H | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
MATH 2560H | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
MATH 3560H | Linear Statistical Models | 0.5 |
MATH 4560H | Topics in Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 4561H | Sampling and Design of Experiments | 0.5 |
NURS 2030H | Introduction to Nursing Research | 0.5 |
PSYC 2019H | Basic Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 3015Y | Advanced Statistics and Research Design | 1 |
PSYC 4140H | Advanced Methods in Experimental Psychology | 0.5 |
SOCI 2150Y | Research Methods | 1 |
SOCI 3160H | Data Analysis | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ANAT 100* | Anatomy of the Human Body | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 105* | Human Anatomy and Physiology | 1 | x | x |
BIOL 1050H | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 1051H | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Trinity Western University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
MATH 102 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 207 | Data Analysis | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIO 241 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIO 242 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
HKIN 446 | Advanced Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Université de Moncton
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
KNEP 2323 | Recherche en kiné. et récréo. | 0.5 |
PSYC 2001 | Méthodes de recherche en psyc. | 0.5 |
PSYC 2002 | Stat. appliquées en psyc. | 0.5 |
PSYC 2050 | Méthodes et stat. psycho. II | 0.5 |
PSYC 4000 | Méthodes et stat. avancées | 0.5 |
PSYC 4001 | Méthodes et stat. avancées | 0.5 |
SINF 4013 | Recherche : science infirmière | 0.5 |
SOCI 3202 | Méthodes II | 0.5 |
STAT 2603 | Intro aux prob et statistique | 0.5 |
STAT 2633 | Intro à la stat appliquée | 0.5 |
STAT 2643 | Stat appliquée sc. de la vie | 0.5 |
STAT 2653 | Statistique descriptive | 0.5 |
STAT 3123 | Conc. et analyse d’expériences | 0.5 |
STAT 3423 | Sondages et inférence stat. | 0.5 |
STAT 3613 | Statistique mathématique | 0.5 |
STAT 4003 | Thèmes choisis en statistique | 0.5 |
STAT 4723 | Régression lin. et Anova | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 1133 | Anat. physiol. humaine I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 1143 | Anat. physiol. humaines I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 1233 | Anat. physiol. humaine II | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 1243 | Anat. physiol. humaines II | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 2133 | Physiologie humaine I | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2233 | Physiologie humaine II | 0.5 | x | |
KNEP 2063 | Anatomie fonctionnelle | 0.5 | x | |
KNEP 2101 | Anatomie fonctionnelle | 0.5 | x |
Université de Montréal
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIO 2041 | Biostatistique 1 | 0.5 |
BIO 2042 | Biostatistique 2 | 0.5 |
KIN 3018 | Méthodologie de la recherche | 0.5 |
MAT 1720 | Probabilitiés | 0.5 |
MSO 6061 | Introduction à la biostatistique | 0.5 |
PHL 1400 | Méthodes statistiques en sciences biomédicales | 0.5 |
PSY 1004 | Analyses quantitatives en psychologie 1 | 0.5 |
PSY 1006 | Méthodologie scientifique 1 | 0.5 |
PSY 3204 | Analyses quantitatives en psychologie 2 | 0.5 |
SOL 1020 | Introduction à la statistique | 0.5 |
SOL 2020 | Statitisque sociale avancée | 0.5 |
STT 1700 or *STT 1971 | Introduction à la statistique | 0.5 |
STT 1995 | Analyses statistiques | 0.5 |
STT 2700 | Concepts et méthodes en statistique | 0.5 |
STT 2974 | Biostatistics and Epidemiology | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIO 1634 | Principes de physiologie animale | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 3659 | Les fonctions du système nerveux | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 1021 | Anatomie fonctionnelle | 0.5 | x | |
PSL 1984 | Fonctions du système nerveux | 0.5 | x | |
PSL 1993 | Psysiologie générale | 0.5 | x | |
PSL 1996 | Anatomie et physiologie générales 1 | 0.5 | x | x |
PSL 1997 | Anatomie et physiologie générales 2 | 0.5 | x | x |
SBM 1001 | Morphologie fonctionnelle | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Université de Sherbrooke
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
STT 389 | Statistique | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
KIN 320 | Anatomie fonctionnelle | 0.5 | x | |
PSL 104 | Physiologie animale | 0.5 | x |
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
EDU 6103 | Méthodologie de la recherche quantitative en éducation | 0.5 |
MQT1133 |
Introduction à la biostatistique |
0.5 |
PSE 1073 | Méthodes de recherche | 0.5 |
PSY 1583 | Analyse quantitative en psychologie | 0.5 |
PSY 1853 | Méthodes d’enquête | 0.5 |
SOC 2293 | Méthodes quantitatives en sciences sociales | 0.5 |
SOI3573 |
Méthodes qualitatives de recherche en sciences infirmières |
0.5 |
SOI 3583 | Méthodes quantitatives de recherche en sciences infirmières | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
SSA 1163 | Structure et fonction biologique humaine I | 0.5 | x | |
SSA 1173 | Structure et fonction biologique humaine II | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Université du Québec à Montréal
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIO 3523 | Introduction à la biostatistique | 0.5 |
KIN 5102 |
Introduction à la recherche en activité physique | 0.5 |
MAT 1085 | Probabilités et statistiques | 0.5 |
MAT 1185 | Statistique descriptive, tableaux croisés, et inférence | 0.5 |
MAT 2080 | Méthodes statistiques | 0.5 |
MAT 2480 | Statistique II | 0.5 |
MAT 2780 | Probabilités et statistiques | 0.5 |
MAT 3080 | Statistique I | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIO 1007 | Le corps humain I: de l’organisation à la régulation | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 1008 | Le corps humain II: de la régulation à la perpétuation | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 1900 | L’organisme humain | 0.5 | x | x |
Université Laval
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
GPL 1008 |
Méthodes statistiques pour sciences sociales |
0.5 |
MAT 1904 | Méthodes quantitatives I | 0.5 |
MAT 1907 | Probabilités et biostatistique | 0.5 |
MAT 1915 | Probabilités et biostatistique | 0.5 |
MAT 2902 | Méthodes quantitatives II | 0.5 |
MAT 2905 | Biostatistique | 0.5 |
MQT 1102 |
Probabilités et statistique |
0.5 |
POL 2000 |
Méthodes quantitatives |
0.5 |
STT 1000 | Probabilités & statistique | 0.5 |
STT 1100 | Statistique descriptive | 0.5 |
STT 1900 |
Méthodes statistiques pour ingénieurs |
0.5 |
STT 1920 |
Méthodes statistiques |
0.5 |
STT 1950 |
Statistique pour scientifiques |
0.5 |
STT 2902 |
Modélisation statistique |
0.5 |
STT 4000 |
Statistique mathématique I |
0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ANM 1004 | Anatomie fonctionnelle 1 | 0.25 | x | |
ANM 1005 |
Aspects pratiques en anatomie fonctionnelle 1 |
0.5 | x | |
ANM 1006 | Anatomie fonctionnelle 2 | 0.25 | x | |
ANM 1007 |
Aspects pratiques en anatomie fonctionnelle 2 |
0.25 | x | |
ANM 1008 |
Aspects pratiques en anatomie fonctionnelle 1 | 0.25 | x | |
ANM 2100 | Études pratiques d’anatomie humaine | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 0110 | Introduction à la physiologie humaine | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 2909 |
Éléments de physiologie humaine |
0.5 | x | |
KIN 1011 |
Anatomie des grands systèmes |
0.25 | x | |
PHS 1000 |
Physiologie humaine | 0.25 | x | |
PHS 1501 |
Anatomo-physiologie du système nerveux |
0.25 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Alberta
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
AUPSY 203* | Psychological Research: Skills & Methods | 0.5 |
AUPSY 213 | Statistical Methods for Psychological Research | 0.5 |
AUPSY 313 | Advanced Experimental Design | 0.5 |
AUSTA 153 | Introductory Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
AUSTA 213 | Statistical Methods | 0.5 |
AUSTA 215 | Statistical Methods for the Natural Sciences | 0.5 |
CIVE 290 | Civil Engineering Analysis I | 0.5 |
KIN 209 | Research Methods in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
MGTSC 312 | Probability and Statistics for Business | 0.5 |
NURS 341 | Using and Interpreting Statistics for Health Research | 0.5 |
PEDS 109 or PEDS 309* | Statistics, Measurement, and Evaluation | 0.5 |
PEDS 209 | Research Methods in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
PSYCO 212 | Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYCO 325 | Applied Research in Developmental Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYCO 412 | Quantitative Methods in Sociocultural Psychology | 0.5 |
PTHER 352 | Introductory Statistics for Health Care Professionals | 0.5 |
SOC 210 | Introduction to Social Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 141 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 151 | Introduction to Applied Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 221* | Applied Probability | 0.5 |
STAT 222* | Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 235 | Introductory Statistics for Engineering | 0.5 |
STAT 252 | Introduction to Applied Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 265 | Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 266 | Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 312 | Mathematical Methods in Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 337 | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
STAT 366* | Elements of Probability & Statistical Theory II | 0.5 |
STATQ 151 | Introduction à la statistique appliquée I | 0.5 |
STATQ 235 | Introduction à la statistique pour scientifiques et ingénieurs | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ANAT 200 | Human Morphology | 0.5 | x | |
AUPED 112 | Structural Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
AUPED 215 | Introduction to Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
AUPED 216 | Introduction to Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
BME 320 | Human Anatomy and Physiology: Cells and Tissue | 0.5 | x | x |
BME 321 | Human Anatomy and Physiology: Systems | 0.5 | x | x |
KIN 100 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 101 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 103 | Integrative Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 400 | Human Gross Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
NURS 140 | Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
NURS 150 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
NURS 151 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
PEDS 100 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
PEDS 101 | Introduction to Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
PEDS 103 | Integrative Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
PEDS 400 | Human Gross Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
PHYSE 152 | Physiologie | 1 | x | |
PHSYE 210 | Physiologie humaine | 1 | x | |
PHYSL 210 | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
PHYSL 212 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
PHYSL 214 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
PTHER 350 | Structural Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of British Columbia Okanagan
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Course Weight |
APSC 254 | Instrumentation and Data Analysis | 0.5 |
BIOL 202 | Introduction to Biostatistics | 0.5 |
ECON 327 | Introduction to Empirical Economics | 0.5 |
ECON 328 | Methods of Empirical Research | 0.5 |
GEOG 271 | Geographic Data Analysis | 0.5 |
HMKN 205 or HEAL 300* | Methods of Data Analysis | 0.5 |
HMKN 206 or HEAL 301* | Health Research Methods | 0.5 |
NRSG 325 | Introduction to Statistics for Nursing | 0.5 |
NRSG 425 | Data Analysis | 0.5 |
PSYO 270 | Introduction to Research Methods and Design | 0.5 |
PSYO 271 | Introduction to Data Analysis | 0.5 |
PSYO 372 | Research Methods and Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYO 373 | Advanced Research Methods and Statistics | 0.5 |
SOCI 271 | Statistical Analysis in Sociology I | 0.5 |
SOCI 390 | Sociological Methods: Social Survey Design and Analysis | 1 |
SOCW 302 | Quantitative Data Analysis for Social Workers | 0.5 |
STAT 121 | Elementary Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 124 | Business Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 230 | Introductory Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 240 | Statistical Reasoning | 0.5 |
STAT 309 | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
STAT 405 | Design and Analysis of Experiments | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 131 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 133 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
HES 111 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
HMKN 190 | Functional Anatomy and Applied Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
HMKN 191 | Functional Anatomy and Applied Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
HMKN 391 | Advanced Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of British Columbia Vancouver
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Course Weight |
ANTH 418 | Anthropological Statistics | 0.5 |
APBI 398 | Research Methods in Applied Animal Biology | 0.5 |
BIOL 300 | Fundamentals of Biostatistics | 0.5 |
COMM 291 | Application of Statistics in Business | 0.5 |
EPSE 482 | Introduction to Statistics for Research in Education | 0.5 |
FNH 398 | Research Methods in Human Nutrition | 0.5 |
FRST 231 | Introduction to Biometrics | 0.5 |
GEOG 374 | Statistics in Geography | 0.5 |
KIN 205 | Research Methods in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
KIN 206 | Introduction to Statistics in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
KIN 371 or HKIN 371* | Introduction to Statistics in Human Kinetics | 0.5 |
KIN 373 or or HKIN 373* | Research Methods in Human Kinetics | 0.5 |
LFS 252 | Land, Food, and Community: Quantitative Data Analysis | 0.5 |
MATH 302 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
POLI 380 | Quantitative Methods in Political Science | 0.5 |
PSYC 217 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSYC 218 | Analysis of Behavioural Data | 0.5 |
PSYC 359 | Advanced Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences | 0.5 |
PSYC 366 | Methods in Research | 1 |
SOCI 217 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 382 | Qualitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
STAT 200 | Elementary Statistics for Applications | 0.5 |
STAT 203 | Statistical Methods | 0.5 |
STAT 241 | Introductory Probability & Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 251 | Elementary Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 300 | Intermediate Statistics for Applications | 0.5 |
STAT 302 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
STAT 305 | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
STAT 404 | Design & Analysis of Experiments | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 153 | Human Biology | 1 | x | x |
BIOL 155 | Human Biology | 1 | x | x |
CAPS 301 or PHYL 301* | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
CAPS 302 or PHYL 302* | Human Physiology Laboratory | 0.5 | x | |
CAPS 303 or PHYL 303* | Laboratory in Human Physiology (Honours) | 0.5 | x | |
CAPS 391 or ANAT 391* | Introduction to Gross Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 110 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 131 | Systems Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 132 | Systems Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 190 or HKIN 190* | Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
KIN 191 or HKIN 191* | Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
PRIN 401 | Principles of Human Biology | 1 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Calgary
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
APSY 301* | Statistics in Applied Psychology & Education I | 0.5 |
APSY 303* | Statistics in Applied Psychology & Education II | 0.5 |
BIOL 315 | Quantitative Biology I | 0.5 |
CORE 435 | Research in Disability, Health, and Rehabilitation Disablement | 0.5 |
ENGG 319 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 0.5 |
KNES 213 | Introduction to Research in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
MATH 321* | Mathematical Probability | 0.5 |
MATH 323* | Introduction to Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
MDCH 610 | Biostatistics I: Essentials of Biostatistics | 0.5 |
MDSC 407 | Statistics and Research Design in Health Sciences | 0.5 |
MDSC 408 | Research Design in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics | 0.5 |
NURS 309 | Nursing Research | 0.5 |
PSYC 300 | Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology I | 0.5 |
PSYC 301 | Research Methods and Data Analysis in Pyschology II | 0.5 |
PSYC 312 | Experimental Design & Quantitative Methods for Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 411 | Design and Analysis in Psychological Research | 0.5 |
SOCI 311 | Introductory Social Statistics I | 0.5 |
SOCI 313 | Introductory Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 315 | Introductory Social Statistics II | 0.5 |
SOWK 302 | Research in Context Theme | 0.5 |
STAT 205 | Introduction to Statistical Inquiry | 0.5 |
STAT 211* | Concepts of Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 213 | Introduction to Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 217 | Introduction to Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 321 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
STAT 421 | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 423 | Statistical Analysis of Sample Survey | 0.5 |
STAT 425 | Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments | 0.5 |
STAT 517 | Practice of Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 327 | Statistics for the Physical and Environmental Sciences | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 305 | The Human Organism | 0.5 | x | x |
KNES 259 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
KNES 260 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
KNES 261* | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KNES 323 | Integrative Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
MDSC 404 | Integrative Human Physiology | 1.0 | x | |
MDSC 521 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
NURS 213 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
NURS 221 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
ZOOL 269 | Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
ZOOL 361* | Introduction to Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
ZOOL 363* | Introduction to Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of the Fraser Valley
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
KIN 301 | Research Methods in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
STAT 104 | Introductory Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 106 | Statistics I | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIO 383 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 270 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 272 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
KPE 170 | Basic Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KPE 270 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Lethbridge
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ECON 2900 | Economics and Business Statistics | 0.5 |
HLTSCI 3450 or PSYC 3450 | Applied Statistics for Clinical Practice | 0.5 |
KNES 2200 | Research Methodologies | 0.5 |
MGT 2700 | Research Methodology | 0.5 |
NURS 3360 | Research Methodology | 0.5 |
PSYC 2030 | Methods & Statistics | 0.5 |
PSYC 3400 | Advanced Research Design & Statistics | 0.5 |
SOCI 2100 | Research Methodology | 0.5 |
SOCI 2130 | Social Statistics I | 0.5 |
SOCI 3130 | Social Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 1770 | Introduction to Probability & Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 2200 | Survey Design & Analysis | 0.5 |
STAT 2780 | Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
STAT 3500 | Mathematical Probability | 0.5 |
STAT 3510 | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 3700 | Design and Analysis of Experiments | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
KINE 2600 | Functional Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KINE 2610 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Manitoba
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
HEMC 2000 | Research Methods and Presentation | 0.5 |
NURS 3210 | Nursing Research Methods | 0.5 |
POLS 3950 | Research Methods in the Study of Politics | 0.5 |
PSYC 2250 | Introduction to Psychological Research | 0.5 |
PSYC 2251 | Introduction à la recherche en psychologie | 0.5 |
PSYC 2260 | Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 2261 | Introduction aux méthodes de recherche en psychologie | 0.5 |
PSYC 3170 | Research in Cognitive Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 3340 | Design & Analysis for Psychological Experimental | 0.5 |
SOC 2290 | Introduction to Research Methods | 1 |
SOC 4570 | Quantitative Social Analysis | 0.5 |
SOC 4580 | Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
STAT 1000 | Basic Statistical Analysis 1 | 0.5 |
STAT 1001 | Analyse statistique de base I | 0.5 |
STAT 2000 | Basic Statistical Analysis 2 | 0.5 |
STAT 2001 | Analyse statistique de base II | 0.5 |
STAT 2220 | Contemporary Statistics for Engineers | 0.5 |
STAT 2400 | Introduction to Probability I | 0.5 |
STAT 3050 | Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications | 0.5 |
STAT 3400 | Introduction to Probability II | 0.5 |
STAT 3470 | Statistical Methods for Research Workers 1 | 0.5 |
STAT 3480 | Statistical Methods for Research Workers 2 | 0.5 |
STAT 3600 | Intermediate Statistical Theory 2 | 0.5 |
STAT 3800 | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ANAT 1030 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 1410 or ZOOL 1320* | Anatomy of the Human Body | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 1412 or ZOOL 1330* | Physiology of the Human Body | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2410 or ZOOL 2530* | Human Physiology 1 | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2411 or ZOOL 2531* | Physiologie du corps humain 1 | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2420 or ZOOL 2540* | Human Physiology 2 | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 2421 or ZOOL 2541* | Physiologie du corps humain II | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 2320 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 3320 | Advanced Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
PHED 2320* | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
REHB 1480* | Human Anatomy – Systems | 0.5 | x | |
REHB 1490* | Musculoskeletal Anatomy 1 | 0.5 | x | |
REHB 1500* | Musculoskeletal Anatomy 2 | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of New Brunswick Fredericton
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ED5173 | Educational Statistics | 0.5 |
KIN3001 | Introduction to Research Methods in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
PSYC2113 | Introduction to Research & Statistical Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC2123 | Quantitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSYC3113 | Introduction to Statistical Inference in Experimental Psychology | 0.5 |
SOCI3123 | Statistics in Sociology | 0.5 |
STAT2043 | Statistics for Social Scientists I | 0.5 |
STAT2253 | Introductory Statistics for Forestry Students | 0.5 |
STAT2263 | Statistics for Non-Science Majors | 0.5 |
STAT2264 | Statistics for Biology | 0.5 |
STAT2593 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 0.5 |
STAT3043 | Statistics for Social Scientists II | 0.5 |
STAT3083 | Probability & Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT3093 | Probability & Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL1711 | Human Anatomy I | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL1719 | Human Anatomy I – Online | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL1782 or BIOL1789 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL2721 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL2753 | Introduction to Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL2761 | Human Physiology – Metabolism | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL2782* | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL2792 | Human Physiology – Systems | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL2812 | Human Anatomy II | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of New Brunswick Saint John
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL4855 | Biometrics | 0.5 |
PSYC2102 | Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC2901 | Introduction to Statistical Analysis for Psychologists | 0.5 |
PSYC3913 | Introduction to Statistical Inference & Experimental Design in Psychology | 0.5 |
SOCI3104 | Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences | 0.5 |
STAT1793 | Introduction to Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT2263 | Statistics for Health Sciences | 0.5 |
STAT2593 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 0.5 |
STAT2783 | Introduction to Non-parametric Methods (O) | 0.5 |
STAT2793 | Introduction to Probability & Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT3083 | Probability & Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT3093 | Probability & Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL1411 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL1412 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL1441 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL1442 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Northern British Columbia
Please note that only degree level courses from UNBC will be considered when evaluating prerequisite courses. Courses taken as part of a certificate or diploma will generally not meet our prerequisite requirements.
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ECON 205-3 | Statistics for the Social and Management Sciences | 0.5 |
ENPL 319-3 | Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
HHSC 351-3 | Research Design and Methods for Health Sciences | 0.5 |
NURS 403-3 | Introduction to Nursing Research | 0.5 |
ORTM 310-3 | Research Methods and Analysis | 0.5 |
SOCW 330-3 | Social Work Research/Policy/Practice | 0.5 |
STAT 240-3 | Basic Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 371-3 | Probability and Statistics for Scientists and Engineers | 0.5 |
STAT 372-3 | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 472-3 | Survey Sampling Design & Analysis | 0.5 |
STAT 473-3 | Experimental Design & Analysis | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
HHSC 105-3 | Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
HHSC 111-4 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
HHSC 112-4 | Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
University of Ottawa
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
APA 2180 or APA 3180* | Research Methods in Human Kinetics | 0.5 |
APA 2580 or APA 3580* | Méthodes de recherche en sciences de l’activite physique | 0.5 |
APA 3381 | Measurement and Data Analysis in Human Kinetics | 0.5 |
APA 3781 | Mesure et analyse des données quantitatives en sciences de l’activité physique | 0.5 |
APA 6101 | Quantitative Data Analysis in Sport, Physical Activity and Health | 0.5 |
BIO 4158 | Applied Biostatistics | 0.5 |
HSS 2381 | Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences I | 0.5 |
HSS 2781 | Analyse quantitative des données en sciences de la santé I | 0.5 |
HSS 3101 | Health Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches | 0.5 |
HSS3501 | Recherche en santé: approches qualitative et quantitative | 0.5 |
MAT 1371 | Descriptive Statistics | 0.5 |
MAT 1372 | Elements of Probability & Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
MAT 1373 | Data Analysis by Computer | 0.5 |
MAT 1771 | Statistique descriptive | 0.5 |
MAT 1772 | Elements de probabilités & inference statistique | 0.5 |
MAT 1773 |
Analyse des données par ordinateur |
0.5 |
MAT 2371 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
MAT 2375 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
MAT 2377 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 0.5 |
MAT 2378* | Probability & Statistics for the Natural Sciences | 0.5 |
MAT 2379 | Intro to Biostatistics | 0.5 |
MAT 2771 | Introduction aux probablités | 0.5 |
MAT 2775 | Introduction à la statistique | 0.5 |
MAT 2777 | Probabilités et statistique pour les sciences naturelles | 0.5 |
MAT 2779 | Introduction à la biostatistique | 0.5 |
PSY 2106 | Quantitative Methods in Psychology I | 0.5 |
PSY 2116 | Quantitative Methods in Pscyhology II | 0.5 |
PSY 2174 | Research Methods and Ethics | 0.5 |
PSY 2506 | Méthodes quantitatives en psychologie I | 0.5 |
PSY 2516 | Méthodes quantitatives en psychologie II | 0.5 |
PSY 3116 | Advanced Statistical Analysis and Computing in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSY 3516 | Analyse statistique avancée et informatique en psychologie | 0.5 |
SOC 3142 | Applied Statistical Analysis | 0.5 |
SOC 3542 | Analyse statistique appliquée | 0.5 |
SOC 4160* | Advanced Quantitative Analysis | 0.5 |
SOC 4560* | Analyse avancée des données quantitatives | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ANP 1105 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
ANP 1106 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
ANP 1107 | Human Anatomy & Physiology III | 0.5 | x | x |
ANP 1505 | Anatomie humaine et physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
ANP 1506 | Anatomie humaine et physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
ANP 1507 | Anatomie humaine et physiology III | 0.5 | x | x |
APA 1313 | Musculoskeletal Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
APA 1713 | Anatomie du système locomoteur | 0.5 | x | |
PHS 3240* | Mammalian Physiology | 1 | x | |
PHS 3341 | Physiology of Sensation, Regulation, Movement and Reproduction | 0.5 | x | |
PHS 3342 | Physiological Regulation of Intake, Distribution, Protection and Elimination | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Prince Edward Island
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIO 331 | Research Methods & Communications in Biology | 0.5 |
BUS 251 | Introduction to Management Science | 0.5 |
EDU 481 | Statistics In Education | 0.5 |
MATH 221 | Introductory Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 222 | Introductory Statistics II | 0.5 |
MATH 321 | Probability & Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 322 | Probability & Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
NURS 304 | Nursing Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSY 271 | Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences | 0.5 |
PSY 278 | Statistics & Research Design I | 0.5 |
PSY 279 | Statistics & Research Design II | 0.5 |
PSY 322 | Advanced Research Methods in Social Psychology | 0.5 |
PSY 371 | Advanced Statistics | 0.5 |
SOC 331 | Methodology and Research I | 0.5 |
SOC 332 | Methodology and Research II | 0.5 |
SOC 401 | Doing Social Research | 0.5 |
STAT 1210 | Introductory Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIO 121 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 122 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 123 | Essentials of Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 353 | Human Anatomy & Histology | 0.5 | x | |
BIO 401 | Human Physiology & Pathophysiology | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Regina
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
KIN 220 | Research Methods in Kinesiology and Health Studies | 0.5 |
PSYC 204 | Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 305 | Statistics in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 404* | Advanced Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 405 | Advanced Statistics in Psychology | 0.5 |
SOST 201 | Statistics for the Social Sciences | 0.5 |
SOST 203 | Introduction to Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOST 306 | Applied Methods: Quantitative Approaches | 0.5 |
STAT 100 | Elementary Statistics for Applications | 0.5 |
STAT 151* | Statistical Methods I | 0.5 |
STAT 152* | Statistical Methods II | 0.5 |
STAT 160 | Introductory Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 200 | Intermediate Statistics for Applications | 0.5 |
STAT 251 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
STAT 252 | Introduction to Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
STAT 254* | Applied Regression Analysis | 0.5 |
STAT 342 | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 101 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 110 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
KIN 260 or KHS 168* | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 261 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
KIN 262 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
KIN 267 or KHS 267* | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 268 or KHS 268* | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Saskatchewan
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
KIN 380 | Research Methods in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
PLSC 214.3 or PLSC 314.3* | Statistical Methods | 0.5 |
PSY 233.3 | Statistical Methods in Behavioural Sciences | 0.5 |
PSY 234.3 | Statistical Methods in Behavioural Sciences | 0.5 |
PSY 235.3 | Research Methods & Design | 0.5 |
SOC 232.3 | Methods of Social Research | 0.5 |
SOC 225.3 | An Introduction to Survey Research & Data Analysis in Sociology | 0.5 |
SOC 325.3 | Applied Quantitative Research in Sociology | 0.5 |
STAT 103.3 | Elementary Probability | 0.5 |
STAT 241.3 | Probability Theory | 0.5 |
STAT 242.3 | Statistical Theory & Methodology | 0.5 |
STAT 244.3 | Elementary Statistical Concepts | 0.5 |
STAT 245.3 | Introduction to Statistics Methods | 0.5 |
STAT 246.3 | Introduction to Biostatistics | 0.5 |
STAT 342.3 | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 344.3 | Applied Regression Analysis | 0.5 |
STAT 345.3 | Design & Analysis of Experiments | 0.5 |
STAT 348.3 | Sampling Techniques | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ACB 215.6* | Basic & Applied Human Anatomy | 1 | x | |
ACB 221.3 | Gross Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
ACB 310.3 or ACB 210.3* | Basic Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BMSC 207.3 | Human Body Systems I | 0.5 | x | x |
BMSC 208.3 | Human Body Systems II | 0.5 | x | x |
PHSI 208.6 or HSC 208.6* | Human Body Systems | 1 | x | |
PHYP 302.3 | Human Physiology Transport Systems | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Toronto Mississauga
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ANT407H5 | Quantitative Methods in Archaeology and Biological Anthropology | 0.5 |
BIO360H5 | Biometrics I | 0.5 |
BIO361H5 | Biometrics II | 0.5 |
CHL5201H | Biostatistics I | 0.5 |
ECO220Y5 | Quantitative Methods in Economics | 1 |
ECO227Y5 | Quantitative Methods in Economics | 1 |
GGR277H5 | Social Research Methods | 0.5 |
POL242Y5 | Methods | 0.5 |
PSY201H5 | Research Design & Analysis in Psychology I | 0.5 |
PSY202H5 | Research Design & Analysis in Psychology II | 0.5 |
PSY309H5 | Experimental Design & Theory | 0.5 |
SOC 221H5 | The Logic of Social Inquiry | 0.5 |
SOC 222H5 | Measuring the Social World | 0.5 |
SOC321H5* | Social Research Methods II: Techniques & Applications | 0.5 |
SOC350H5 | Quantitative Analysis I | 0.5 |
SOC351H5 | Quantitative Analysis II | 0.5 |
STA107H5 | An Introduction to Probability & Modeling | 0.5 |
STA215H5 | Introduction to Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
STA218H5 | Statistics for Management | 0.5 |
STA220H5 | The Practice of Statistics I | 0.5 |
STA221H5 | The Practice of Statistics II | 0.5 |
STA256H5 or STA257H5* | Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
STA258H5 | Statistics with Applied Probability | 0.5 |
STA260H5 or STA261H5* | Probability & Statistics II | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIO204H5 | Introduction to Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIO208H5 | Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIO209H5 | Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
BIO210Y5 | Fundamentals of Human Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Toronto Scarborough
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ANTC35H3 | Quantitative Methods in Anthropology | 0.5 |
ANTC67H3 | Foundation in Epidemiology | 0.5 |
HLTB15H3 | Introduction to Health Research Methodology | 0.5 |
MGEB11H3 | Quantitative Methods in Economics I | 0.5 |
MGEB12H3 | Quantitative Methods in Economics II | 0.5 |
PSYB01H3 | Psychological Research Laboratory | 0.5 |
PSYB07H3 | Data Analysis in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC08H3 | Advanced Data Analysis in Psychology | 0.5 |
SOCB05H3 | Logic of Social Inquiry | 0.5 |
SOCB06H3 | Social Statistics | 0.5 |
STAB22H3 | Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAB27H3 | Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAB52H3 | An Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
STAB57H3 | An Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
STAC32H3 | Applications of Statistical Method | 0.5 |
STAC50H3 | Data Collection | 0.5 |
STAC58H3 | Statistical Inference | 0.5 |
STAD29H3 | Statistics for Life & Social Scientists | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOB33H3 | Human Development & Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOB35H3 | Essentials of Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BIOC32H3 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
BIOC33H3 | Human Physiology II: Lecture and Laboratory | 0.5 | x | |
BIOC34H3 | Human Physiology II: Lecture | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Toronto St. George
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BME225H1 | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
CHE223H1 | Statistics | 0.5 |
ECO220Y1 | Quantitative Methods in Economics | 1 |
ECO227Y1 | Quantitative Methods in Economics | 1 |
EEB225H1 | Biostatistics for Biological Sciences | 0.5 |
EXS5515H1 | Research Methods in Physical Activity and Health | 0.5 |
FRE383H1 | Quantitative and experimental approaches to the study of French | 0.5 |
GGR270H1 | Introductory Analytical Methods | 0.5 |
HMB325H1 | Statistics Applied to Human Biology | 0.5 |
KPE190H | Inquiry in Kinesiology and Physical Education | 0.5 |
KPE290Y1 or PHE203Y1* | Research Design and Evaluation | 1 |
KPE290H1 | Research Design and Evaluation: Qualitative Approaches | 0.5 |
KPE291H1 | Research Design and Evaluation: Quantitative Approaches | 0.5 |
LIN305H1 | Quantitative Methods in Linguistics | 0.5 |
LMP1407H1 | Introductory Biostatistics and Clinical Investigation | 0.5 |
MIE237H1 | Statistics | 0.5 |
MBP101H1 | Quantitative Biology – Statistical Methods | 0.5 |
MRS266H1 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
MSC 1001Y1 | Human Anatomy | 1 |
PCL376H1 | Experimental Design & Data Analysis for Pharmacology & Toxicology | 0.5 |
PSY201H1 | Statistics I | 0.5 |
PSY202H1 | Statistics II | 0.5 |
SOC200H1 | Logic of Social Inquiry | 0.5 |
SOC202H1 | Quantitative Analysis in Social Science Research | 0.5 |
SOC300H1 | Applications of Quantitative Methods in Social Science Research | 0.5 |
STA107H1* | An Introduction to Probability & Modeling | 0.5 |
STA220H1 | The Practice of Statistics I | 0.5 |
STA221H1 | The Practice of Statistics II | 0.5 |
STA247H1 | Probability with Computer Applications | 0.5 |
STA248H1 | Statistics for Computer Scientists | 0.5 |
STA250H1* | Statistical Concepts | 0.5 |
STA255H1 | Statistical Theory | 0.5 |
STA257H1 | Probability & Statistics I | 0.5 |
STA261H1 | Probability & Statistics II | 0.5 |
STA286H1 | Probability and Statistics | 0.5 |
STA288H1 | Statistics and Scientific Inquiry in the Life Sciences | 0.5 |
STA302H1 | Methods of Data Analysis I | 0.5 |
STA303H1 | Methods of Data Analysis II | 0.5 |
STA304H1 | Surveys, Sampling and Observational Data | 0.5 |
STA305H1 | Design and Analysis of Experiments | 0.5 |
STA347H1 | Probability | 0.5 |
STA442H1 | Methods of Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
ANA126Y1 | Elementary Human Gross Anatomy | 1 | x | |
ANA300Y1 | Human Anatomy & Histology | 1 | x | |
JBO302Y1* | Human Physiology & Biophysics | 1 | x | |
KPE260H1 or PHE205H1* | Introduction to Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
KPE369H1 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
MIE331H1 | Physiological Control Systems | 0.5 | x | |
MRS159H1 | Anatomy for Medical Radiation Sciences | 0.5 | x | |
MRS161H1 | Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
MRS162H1 | Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
MSC1001Y1 | Human Anatomy | 1.0 | x | |
PSL200Y1* | Basic Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
PSL201Y1 | Basic Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
PSL300H1 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
PSL301H1 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
PSL302Y1* | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
PSL372H1 | Mammalian Physiology Laboratory | 0.5 | x | |
PSL374H1 | Advanced Physiology Laboratory | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Victoria
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BIOL 330 or ES 344 | Study Design and Data Analysis | 0.5 |
EPHE 357 | Introduction to Research | 0.5 |
PSYC 201 | Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 202* | Applied Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 300A | Statistical Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
PSYC 300B | Statistical Methods in Psychology II | 0.5 |
SOCI 211 | Introduction to Sociological Research | 0.5 |
SOCI 271 | Introduction to Statistical Analysis in Sociology | 0.5 |
SOCI 376 | Quantitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOCI 471 or SOCI 371B* | Multivariate Statistical Analysis | 0.5 |
SOCI 472* | Advanced Statistical Methods in Sociology | 0.5 |
STAT 252 | Statistics for Business | 0.5 |
STAT 254 | Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 0.5 |
STAT 255 | Statistics for Life Sciences: I | 0.5 |
STAT 256 | Statistics for Life Sciences: II | 0.5 |
STAT 260 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics: I | 0.5 |
STAT 261 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics: II | 0.5 |
STAT 350 | Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 355 | Statistical Methods in Biology and Medicine | 0.5 |
STAT 359 | Data Analysis | 0.5 |
STAT 450 | Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT 453 | The Design and Analysis of Experiments | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 441 | Advanced Vertebrate Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BME 201 | Quantitative Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
EPHE 141 | Introductory Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
EPHE 241 or EPHE 241B* | Introduction to Human Systemic Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
EPHE 355 | Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Waterloo
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
ARTS 280 | Statistics for Arts Students | 0.5 |
BIOL 361 | Biostatistics & Experimental Design | 0.5 |
BIOL 458 | Quantitative Ecology | 0.5 |
BIOL 461 | Advanced Biostatistics | 0.5 |
BME 213 | Statistics and Experimental Design | 0.5 |
CHE 220 | Process Data Analysis | 0.5 |
ECON 221 | Statistics for Economists | 0.5 |
ENVS 278 | Advanced Environmental Research Methods | 0.5 |
GBDA 205 | Quantitative Methods | 0.5 |
HLTH 204 | Quantitative Approaches to Health Science | 0.5 |
HLTH 333 | Experimental Methods and Observational Methods in Epidemiology | 0.5 |
KIN 222 | Statistical Techniques Applied to Kinesiology | 0.5 |
KIN 232 | Research Design and Statistics in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
KIN 330 | Research Design | 0.5 |
KIN 332* | Research Design and Statistics in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
KIN 630 | Research Design and Statistical Analysis | 0.5 |
PSCI 314 or PSCI 214* | Quantitative Analysis | 0.5 |
PSYCH 291 | Basic Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSYCH 292 | Basic Data Analysis | 0.5 |
PSYCH 391 | Advanced Data Analysis | 0.5 |
REC 270 | Research Design Applicable to Leisure Studies | 0.5 |
REC 371 | Statistical Techniques Applied to Leisure Studies | 0.5 |
SDS 250R (ISS 250R*) or SWREN 250R | Social Statistics | 0.5 |
SDS 251R (ISS 251R*) or SWREN 251R | Social Research | 0.5 |
SMF 230 | Introduction to Statistics in Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies | 0.5 |
SOC 280 or LS 280 | Social Statistics | 0.5 |
SOC 321 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
STAT 202 | Introductory Statistics for Scientists | 0.5 |
STAT 206 | Statistics for Software Engineering | 0.5 |
STAT 220 | Probability (Non-Specialist Level) | 0.5 |
STAT 221 | Statistics (Non-Specialist Level) | 0.5 |
STAT 230 | Probability | 0.5 |
STAT 231 | Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 240 | Probability (Advanced Level) | 0.5 |
STAT 241 | Statistics (Advanced Level) | 0.5 |
STAT 316 | Introduction to Statistical Problem Solving by Computer | 0.5 |
STAT 330 | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT 341 | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis | 0.5 |
STAT 371 | Statistics for Business 1 | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
AHS 150 | Foundations of Human Anatomy and Physiology | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 201 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 273 | Principles of Human Physiology 1 | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 273L | Human Physiology 1 Laboratory | 0.25 | x | |
BIOL 301 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 373 | Principles of Human Physiology 2 | 0.5 | x | |
BIOL 373L | Human Physiology 2 Laboratory | 0.25 | x | |
KIN 100 | Human Anatomy: Limbs & Trunk | 0.5 | x | |
KIN 100L | Human Anatomy Lab | 0.25 | x | |
KIN 301 | Human Anatomy of the Central Nervous System | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Western Ontario
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
Biology 2244A/B | Analysis & Interpretation of Biological Data | 0.5 |
Biology 2290F/G | Scientific Methods in Biology | 0.5 |
Economics 2122A/B | Econometrics I | 0.5 |
Economics 2222A/B | Intermediate Econometrics I | 0.5 |
Economics 2123A/B | Econometrics II | 0.5 |
Geography 3210A/B | Quantitative Analysis in Geography | 0.5 |
Health Sciences 2800 | Research Methods and Analysis in the Health Sciences | 1 |
Health Sciences 2801A/B | Research Methods in Health Sciences | 0.5 |
Health Sciences 3800F/G | Advanced Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences | 0.5 |
Health Sciences 3801A/B | Measurement & Analysis in Health Sciences | 0.5 |
Human Ecology 4411F | Research Methodology | 0.5 |
Kinesiology 2032A/B | Research Design in Human Movement Science | 0.5 |
Management and Organizational Studies 2242A/B | Statistics for Management and Organizational Studies | 0.5 |
Nursing 3319A | Research Methodology in Nursing | 0.5 |
Psychology 2080A/B* | Introduction to Test & Measurement | 0.5 |
Psychology 2800E | Research Methods in Psychology | 1 |
Psychology 2810 | Statistics for Psychology | 1 |
Psychology 2820E | Research Methods & Statistical Analysis in Psychology | 1 |
Psychology 2830A/B | Research in Psychology | 0.5 |
Psychology 2840F/G | Research Methods in Psychology | 0.5 |
Psychology 2850A/B | Statistics for Psychology I | 0.5 |
Psychology 2851A/B | Statistics for Psychology II | 0.5 |
Psychology 2855F/G | Research Methods in Psychology I | 0.5 |
Psychology 2856F/G | Research Methods in Psychology II | 0.5 |
Psychology 3800F/G | Psychology Statistics Using Computers | 0.5 |
Social Work 2207A/B | Introductory Statistics for Social Workers | 0.5 |
Sociology 2205A/B | Statistics for Sociology | 0.5 |
Sociology 2206A/B | Research Methods in Sociology | 0.5 |
Sociology 4400A/B | Introduction to Multivariate Analysis for Social Science | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 1023A/B | Statistical Concepts | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 1024A/B | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 2035 | Statistics for Business & Social Sciences | 1 |
Statistical Sciences 2037A/B | Statistics for Health | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 2122A/B* | Statistics for Science | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 2141A/B | Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 2143A/B | Applied Statistics and Data Analysis for Engineers | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 2244A/B | Statistics for Science | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 2857A/B | Probability and Statistics I | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 2858A/B | Probability and Statistics II | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 3850F/G | Data Analysis | 0.5 |
Statistical Sciences 3858A/B | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
Anatomy and Cell Biology 2221 | Functional Human Anatomy | 1 | x | |
Anatomy and Cell Biology 2200A/B AND Cell Biology 3200 A/B | Systemic Anatomy of the Human Body AND Functional Human Neuroanatomy | 1 | x | |
Anatomy and Cell Biology 3309 | Mammalian Histology | 1 | x | |
Anatomy and Cell Biology 3319* | Systemic Human Anatomy | 1 | x | |
Health Sciences 2300A/B | Systemic Approach to Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
Health Sciences 2330A/B | Systemic and Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
Health Sciences 3300A/B | Anatomy of the Human Body: A Description of Systemic Structure and Function – Part II | 0.5 | x | |
Kinesiology 2222A/B | Systemic Approach to Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
Kinesiology 3222A/B | Anatomy of the Human Body: A Description of Systemic Structure and Function | 0.5 | x | |
Physiology 1020 | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
Physiology 1021 | Introduction to Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
Physiology 2130 | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
Physiology 3120 | Human Physiology | 1 | x | |
Physiology 3130Z | Physiology Laboratory | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Windsor
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
02-250 | Basic Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences | 0.5 |
46-229* | Experimental Psychology | 0.5 |
46-230 | Social Science Research Methods | 0.5 |
46-313 | Advanced Statistics | 0.5 |
46-331 | Conducting Research in Psychology | 0.5 |
48-308 | Intermediate Statistics | 0.5 |
55-320 | Experimental Principles & Design in Biology | 0.5 |
63-377 | Nursing Research | 0.5 |
65-205 | Statistics for the Sciences in Social Science | 0.5 |
65-250 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
65-251 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
65-350 | Probability | 0.5 |
65-351 | Statistics | 0.5 |
95-269 | Measurement and Evaluation | 0.5 |
95-270 | Research Design | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
55-175 or 63-175 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
55-177 or 63-177 | Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
55-202 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
55-204 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
55-205 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
95-265 | Functional Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
University of Winnipeg
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
GEOG-2309(3) | Statistical Techniques in Environmental Analysis | 0.5 |
MATH-3611(3) | Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH-3612(3) | Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
PSYC-2101(3) | Introduction to Data Analysis | 0.5 |
PSYC-2102(3) | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSYC-4100(6) | Intermediate Research Design & Data Analysis | 1 |
SOC-2125(3) | Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOC-3116(3) | Applied Research Methods | 0.5 |
SOC-4116(3) | Seminar in Quantitative Research Methods | 0.5 |
STAT-1201(6)* | Introduction to Statistical Analysis | 1 |
STAT-1301(3) | Statistical Analysis I | 0.5 |
STAT-1302(3) | Statistical Analysis II | 0.5 |
STAT-1501(3) | Elementary Biological Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT 2001(3) or STAT-1601(3)* | Elementary Biological Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT-2103(3) | Intermediate Biological Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT-2104(3) | Nonparametric Statistics | 0.5 |
STAT-2903(3) | Introduction to Statistical Computing | 0.5 |
STAT-3103(3) | Statistics in Research I | 0.5 |
STAT-3104(3) | Statistics in Research II | 0.5 |
STAT-3611(3) | Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
STAT-3612(3) | Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
STAT-4601(3) | Statistical Design of Experiments | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL-1112(6) | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 1 | x | x |
KIN-2204(3) | Introduction to Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
KIN-2301(3) | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
KIN-4301(3) | Applied Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
Vancouver Island University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
MATH 161 | Introduction to Statistics for Social Science | 0.5 |
MATH 181 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
MATH 203 | Biometrics | 0.5 |
MATH 211 | Fundamentals of Statistics I | 0.5 |
MATH 212 | Statistics II | 0.5 |
MATH 320 | Introduction to Probability | 0.5 |
PHED 391 | Research Methods in Physical Activity | 0.5 |
PSYC 204 | Research Methods | 0.5 |
PSYC 300A | Statistical Methods in Psychology I | 0.5 |
PSYC 300B | Statistical Methods in Psychology II | 0.5 |
SOCI 250 | Introduction to Social Research | 0.5 |
SOCI 351 | Quantitative Research and Analysis | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Course Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BIOL 151 | Principles of Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 153 | Principles of Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals II | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 156 | Nursing: Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
BIOL 157 | Nursing: Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
PHED 201 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
PHED 220 | Intro to Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x |
Wilfrid Laurier University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
BI393 | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
BU205/EU205 | Introduction to Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
BU255/EC255 | Managerial Statistics | 0.5 |
CC425 | Advanced Quantitative Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice | 0.5 |
EC205 | Introduction to Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
EC285 | Introductory Statistics | 0.5 |
HE201 | Research Methods for the Health Sciences | 0.5 |
HS324 | Biostatistics | 0.5 |
KP261 | Research Methods I | 0.5 |
KP262 | Research Methods II | 0.5 |
KP290 | Research Methods | 0.5. |
KP390 | Inferential Statistics | 0.5 |
PS291 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
MA141 | Introduction to Applied Statistical Analysis | 0.5 |
MA240 | Introduction to Probability & Statistics | 0.5 |
MA241 | Statistical Methods for the Life Sciences | 0.5 |
MA242 | Applied Regression Analysis | 0.5 |
MA340 | Introduction to Probability Theory | 0.5 |
MA341 | Introduction to The Theory of Statistics | 0.5 |
MA343 | Introduction to Multivariate Analysis | 0.5 |
MA344 | Introduction to Experimental Design & Analysis | 0.5 |
MA348 | Statistical Methods for Data Analysis | 0.5 |
OL233/CC233 | Introduction to Social Science Research Methods | 0.5 |
OL334 | Social Science Research Methods II | 0.5 |
PS292 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
PS295 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
PS296 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
PS395 | Analysis of Variance | 0.5 |
ST231 | Statistical Methods for Life and Health Sciences | 0.5 |
SY280 | Quantitative Methods | 0.5 |
SY382 | Social Statistics | 0.5 |
SY383 | Advanced Social Statistics | 0.5 |
SY490* | Advanced Quantitative Analysis | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
BI210* or HE210* | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
BI 216* or HE211* | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
BI217 | Human Physiology II – Structure, Function, & Integration | 0.5 | x | |
HE340A | Special Topics: Anatomy II | 0.5 | x | |
HN210 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
HN220 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
HS202 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 0.5 | x | x |
HS204 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II | 0.5 | x | x |
KP220 | Human Biology – Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
KP222 | Human Physiology | 0.5 | x | |
KP221 | Functional Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
HN320 | Human Physiology II: Control and Integration | 0.5 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered
York University
Statistics & Research Methods Courses
Course Code | Title | Weight |
AK/ADMS 2300 6.00* | Research Methods in Health Studies | 1 |
AP/ADMS 2300 6.00 | Quantitative Research Methods in Health Studies | 1 |
AP/ADMS 2320 3.00 | Quantitative Methods I | 0.5 |
AP/ADMS 3330 3.0 | Quantitative Methods II | 0.5 |
AP/ECON 2500 3.00 | Introductory Statistics for Economists I | 0.5 |
AP/ECON 3480 3.00 | Introductory Statistics for Economists II | 0.5 |
AP/ECON 3500 3.00 | Introductory Mathematical Statistics for Economists | 0.5 |
AP/SOCI 2030 6.00 | Sociological Research Methods | 1 |
AS/SOCI 3030 6.00 | Statistics for Social Sciences | 1 |
AP/SOSC 2653 6.00 | Research Methods in Criminology | 1 |
ES/ENVS 2009 3.00 | Quantitative Methods in Environmental Studies | 0.5 |
GL/ECON 3670 3.00 | Mathematical Statistics | 0.5 |
GL/MATH 1610 3.00 | Introduction to Statistical Methods I | 0.5 |
GL/MATH 1620 3.00 | Introduction to Statistical Methods II | 0.5 |
GL/MODR 1610 3.00 | Introduction to Statistical Methods I | 0.5 |
GL/MODR 1620 3.00 | Introduction to Statistical Methods II | 0.5 |
GL/POLS 2610 3.00 | Introduction to Statistical Methods I | 0.5 |
GL/POLS 2620 3.00 | Introduction to Statistical Methods II | 0.5 |
GL/PSYC 2520 3.00 | Introduction to Experimental Psychology | 0.5 |
GL/PSYC 2530 3.00 | Introduction to Statistics | 0.5 |
GL/PSYC 3525 3.00 | Intermediate Experimental Psychology | 0.5 |
GL/SOCI 2610 3.00 | Introduction to Statistical Methods I | 0.5 |
GL/SOCI 2620 3.00 | Introduction to Statistical Methods II | 0.5 |
HH/HLST 2300 6.00 | Statistical Methods in Health Studies | 1 |
HH/IHST 2010 6.00 | Global Health Research Methods and Measurement | 1 |
HH/KINE 2049 3.00 | Research Methods in Kinesiology | 0.5 |
HH/KINE 2050 3.00 | Analysis of Data in Kinesiology I | 0.5 |
HH/KINE 3150 3.00 | Analysis of Data in Kinesiology II | 0.5 |
HH/KINE 3635 3.00 | Fundamentals of Epidemiology | 0.5 |
HH/KINE 3640 3.00 | Epidemiology of Physical Activity, Fitness, and Health | 0.5 |
HH/NURS 3300 3.00 | Development of Self as Nurse: Research and Inquiry | 0.5 |
HH/PSYC 2020 6.00 | Statistical Methods I & II | 1 |
HH/PSYC 2021 3.00 | Statistical Methods I | 0.5 |
HH/PSYC 2022 3.00 | Statistical Methods II | 0.5 |
HH/PSYC 2030 3.00 | Introduction to Research Methods | 0.5 |
HH/PSYC 3010 3.00 | Intermediate Research Methods | 0.5 |
HH/PSYC 3030 6.00 | Intermediate Statistics | 1 |
KAHS 6010 3.00 | Univariate Analysis and Design | 0.5 |
KINE 3635 3.00 | Fundamentals of Epidemiology | 0.5 |
LE/EECS 1560 3.00 | Introduction to Computing for Mathematics and Statistics | 0.5 |
NATS 1500 3.00 | Statistics and Reasoning in Modern Society | 0.5 |
SB/OMIS 1000 3.00* | Statistics for Management Decisions | 0.5 |
SB/MGMT 1050 3.00 | Statistics for Management Decisions | 0.5 |
SC/BIOL 2060 3.00 | Statistics for Biologists | 0.5 |
SC/BIOL 2070 3.00 | Research Methods in Cell and Molecular Biology | 0.5 |
SC/BIOL 4085 4.00 | Quantitative Methods in Biology | 0.5 |
SC/MATH 1131 3.00 | Introduction to Statistics I | 0.5 |
SC/MATH 1532 3.00 | Statistics for Business and Society | 0.5 |
SC/MATH 2030 3.00 | Elementary Probability | 0.5 |
SC/MATH 2131 3.00 | Introduction to Statistics II | 0.5 |
SC/MATH 2560 3.00 | Elementary Statistics I | 0.5 |
SC/MATH 2565 3.00 | Introduction to Applied Statistics | 0.5 |
SC/MATH 2570 3.00 | Elementary Statistics II | 0.5 |
SC/MATH 3131 3.00 | Mathematical Statistics I | 0.5 |
SC/MATH 3132 3.00 | Mathematical Statistics II | 0.5 |
Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Remember that you need one half-credit in human anatomy and one half-credit in human physiology. You can also use two combined human anatomy and physiology half-credit courses to fulfill this requirement; however, if you choose this option, you must use two combined anatomy/physiology half-credit courses.
Course Code | Title | Weight | Anatomy | Physiology |
GL/NATS 2315 | Human Physiology in Health and Disease | 1 | x | |
HH/IHST 1001 3.00 | Anatomy & Physiology for Human Health I | 0.5 | x | x |
HH/IHST 1002 3.00 | Anatomy & Physiology for Human Health II | 0.5 | x | x |
HH/KINE 2011 3.00 | Human Physiology I | 0.5 | x | |
HH/KINE 2031 3.00 | Human Anatomy | 0.5 | x | |
HH/KINE 3012 3.00 | Human Physiology II | 0.5 | x | |
HH/KINE 3460 3.00 | Regional Human Anatomy I | 0.5 | x | |
HH/KINE 3465 3.00 | Regional Human Anatomy II | 0.5 | x | |
SC/NATS 1650 6.00 | Human Anatomy for the Fine Arts | 1 | x |
*Acceptable course that is no longer offered