Healthy Development and Aging

Graphic describing the aim of the Healthy Development & Aging research platform

The aim of this research platform is to strengthen and increase access to physical therapy, healthcare, and community systems that optimize the health and well-being of people across the lifespan. This aim is addressed by:

  1. Developing tools and approaches to understand populations with complex health and social care needs;
  2. Developing beneficial and cost-effective physical therapy and rehabilitation interventions and community wellness programs that meet the needs of individuals and families;
  3. Understanding how social factors, financing systems, organizational structures and processes, health technologies, and personal behaviors affect implementation of and access to these interventions and programs;
  4. Developing clinical practice guidelines and strategies to increase the uptake of recommended physical therapy and rehabilitation interventions and community wellness programs.
  5. Creating innovative education tools and programs to prepare physical therapists for current and emerging roles that advance the health, function, and well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

Research undertaken within this platform has yielded novel approaches to physical therapy education, assessment, and treatment. Faculty have created innovative community-based exercise, dance, and self-management programs incorporating new roles for health professionals and evidence-based strategies to promote health, function, and well-being across the lifespan. Diverse research methodologies, including qualitative, quantitative, mixed method, and multi-method research, are used within this platform. Faculty have expertise with knowledge synthesis, health record reviews, surveys, development and evaluation of complex interventions using time series and (cluster) randomized controlled trials, advanced statistical modeling, behaviour change theories, and clinical practice guideline development.

Programs of Research and Faculty

Peer-Reviewed Publications: Healthy Development & Aging