Jul 25, 2023

Embracing Disability as Potential: The Youth Mobility Project

Imagine a world where disability is not viewed as a deficit but as a source of untapped potential. Professor Barbara Gibson is working to bring this vision to life through her recently produced 12-minute video featuring a diverse group of five disabled youth. In the video, Maddy, Jenn, Wesley, Ethan and Dante share their stories of mobility and movement differences as potentials – NOT deficits. The video is a valuable training and educational resource for physical therapists and other professionals who work with disabled people. 

The video is the latest resource from her project, Difference in Movement: The Youth Mobility Project, a partnership between a diverse group of disabled youth, researchers, and artists in Ontario. Led by Gibson, the project challenges how disability is seen and explores the idea of disability as a form of diversity and strength. Using creative visual methods, the project aims to look at and reimagine mobilities of youth labelled-as-disabled; and to use this knowledge to inform areas of applied design, health care, education, and disability research. 

This project is made possible through a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Development Grant and through partnering with the Re•Vision Centre for Art and Social Justice research hub at the University of Guelph. 

Youth Mobility Project