Feb 22, 2023  |  12:10pm - 1:00pm

Leadership Rehab Rounds - Dr. Vijay Chattu - February 22, 2023

Speaker’s Name and Position Title:

Dr. Vijay Kumar Chattu
Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy
University of Toronto

Presentation Title:

Global Occupational Health & Rehabilitation Sciences as the crux for sustainable health and development: My journey as an interdisciplinary researcher at the ReSTORE lab

Short Bio:

Vijay Kumar Chattu is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, Temerty Faculty of Medicine at University of Toronto. Recently, he completed a 2-year Fellowship in Occupational Medicine at the Division of Occupational Medicine, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, based at St. Michael’s Hospital. Before this, he also did a 6-month Fellowship in Sleep Medicine at the Department of Psychiatry at University of Toronto. Dr Chattu is a medical doctor (MBBS) with a residency (MD) in Community Medicine, MPH in International Health Development from Belgium, MPhil in HIV/AIDS Management from South Africa, a few Fellowships in HIV/AIDS Epidemiology (UCLA), Cancer Epidemiology (WHO-IARC) and a Post-master's Certificate in Global Mental Health from Harvard University. From 2020-2021, as a Research Coordinator at St. Michael’s Hospital, he coordinated a CIHR-funded multi-provincial 2-year-cohort study entitled “Impact of COVID-19 on Physicians and Healthcare workers” in Ontario. As an emerging global health leader, he has worked in more than ten countries and travelled to over 45 nations. He received many awards, scholarships and research grants, including from SSHRC and NIH-USA. Besides, he has an excellent track of over 300 research publications in top journals such as Lancet, JAMA, Nature, BMJ etc. and has been ranked consistently among the world’s top 2% scientists in Public Health by Stanford University Rankings in 2022 & 2021. Dr Chattu also serves as Associate Editor for BMJ Global Health and serves as Global health policy advisor for the T20 Task force for G20 summits. He is defending his PhD in Global Health Diplomacy in the spring of 2023

Zoom Details:

Dial in: 647-374-4685, Meeting ID: 861 5077 1026, Passcode: 507520

For more information on all our Leadership Rehab Rounds visit our homepage

Headshot of Dr. Vijay Chattu