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Critical Disability Studies Research Projects & Knowledge Translations
Research Projects
Research on Inequities towards disabled people
- Co-Investigator. Strategies for Increasing Accessibility and Equity in Health and Human Service Educational Programs: National Perspectives. New Frontiers in Research Fund – Exploration 2019. SSHRC. PI. T. Jarus, Co-PIs: I Epstein; E Katzman; K. K. Yoshida; A Loyola-Sanchez; Collaborators: S Kimpson; L Newton; L Stephens; K Aubrecht; C Holmes; L nelly; G Parhar; T Edelist; S Mahipaul; R Lysaght; B Beagan; S.Kamenetsky. $250,000 CDN for two years. April 2020.
- Co-Investigator. Exploring the causes and consequences of falls across the continuum of care in Canadians with spinal cord injury. Canadian Institute for Health Research. PI: K. Musselman, Other Co-Is (alphabetical order): Bostick, G., Craven, C., Flett, H., Hitzig, S., Jaglal, S., Kaiser, A., Oosman, S., Singh, H., Scovil. $255,000 CAN Operating grant.
- Co-Investigator, Women with disabilities' barriers and enablers to cervical and breast cancer screening. Funding Auckland University of Technology, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences New Zealand. PI: Payne, Deborah, Other Co-I : Derrett, S. McPherson, K. Hickey, H. Pivac, L. & Magill, D. $10,000 NZD
Research on Productive nature of disability/difference
- Co-Principal Investigator. Making Space for Youth Leaders: Meaningful Experiences with a National Disability Organization. Employment, Social Development Canada. Social Development Partnerships Program-Disability: Building a stronger foundation for leadership of youth with disabilities. Co-PIs Hardie, S., O’Neill, M. Yoshida K.K. $150,000 CDN for three years. August 2020- 2023.
- Co-Investigator and Co-Lead for Stream 1. Archiving and historicizing the arts. Grant Title: Bodies in Translation: Activist Art Technology and Access to Life. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council – Partnership Grant PIs: Rice, Carla. & Chandler, Eliza. Co-Applicants: K. Yoshida, J. Dolmage; C. Kelly, M. Orsini; C. Clark, D. Bobier; M. Bunch, D. Manning; N. Changfoot $2.5 million CAD for 7yrs
- Co-Principal Investigator with A. Fudge Schormans. Co-Is. – Burghardt, M., Edelist, T., Odette, F. Strategic Connections Grant. Mobilizing Disability Studies Scholarship in non-Disability Studies academic spaces: Developing the foundation for knowledge sharing and research collaborations. Social Science and Humanities Research Council. Awarded April 2019. $23,966 CAD. Extension to March 21, 2023.
- Short Documentary on Disability Art: Disruption embraced. MacIndoe-Sproule, E., Shanouda, F. Yoshida K.K.(SRA) S. Lee., n. viva davis halifax and E. Chandler. The documentary is completed with close caption, audio-description and ASL versions. Accepted as part of Toronto Queer Film Festivals Symposium (Friday April 22, 2022. 5:30-7:00pm)
- Development of Disability Leadership Tool Kit. To be hosted on the Niagara Centre for Independent Living (NCIL) website.
- Disability Oral History Tool Kit. February 2014. Karen Yoshida, #S. Carpenter and *Fady Shanouda. Partnership of Centre for Independent Living in Toronto and Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto. This on-line Oral History Toolkit is for disability communities and others to collect their oral histories. Downloads up to 2016 = 117. Downloads from across the USA, Europe (Portugal, Italy), the UK and South America. You can find the oral history tool kit here.
- “Out From Under: Disability, History and Things to Remember” (OFUDH)–Museum Installation- Frazee, C., Church, K., and Pantich, M. Contributing Artists Karen Yoshida and Audrey King – The “Breathing” Installation. Invited Exhibitions at the following venues: 1) Abilities Arts Festival- Toronto October 2007, 2) Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, April –July 2008; 3) Paraolympic Games – Disability Arts and Culture Festival – Vancouver BC. March 5- 21, 2010; 4) Ability Centre- Whitby 2013; 5) Thames Board of Education 2014 and 6) Canadian Museum of Human Rights (translated permanent exhibit) – Nov. 2014