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Nancy Salbach: Knowledge Translation
Together in Movement and Exercise (TIMETM) Program
The TIMETM Program is a licensed, community-based, group, task-oriented exercise program for people with balance and mobility limitations that incorporates a healthcare-community partnership.
For more information about the TIMETM Program, click here.
The TIMETM at Home Program is an online exercise program that was adapted from the classic TIMETM Program.
For more information about the TIMETM at Home Program, click here.
iWalk Toolkit
The iWalk Toolkit was designed to facilitate clinical use of the 10-metre walk test and 6-minute walk test post-stroke by physical therapists in acute care, and inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation settings.
To obtain the free toolkit, visit here.
Reactive Balance Training (ReBal) Toolkit
We developed this toolkit to help healthcare professionals (e.g., physiotherapists or kinesiologists) use Reactive Balance Training in their rehabilitation practices.
For more information and to download the free toolkit, visit here.
Stroke Recovery in Motion Planner
The Stroke Recovery in Motion Planner was developed to facilitate starting and maintaining a community-based exercise program for people with stroke.
For more information and to download the free toolkit, visit here.
Telerehabilitation Toolkit
An interprofessional group of rehabilitation professionals at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, developed this toolkit to help implement telerehabilitation in out-patient rehabilitation settings.
For more information and to request the free toolkit, visit here.
Virtual Care Implementation Toolkit
The Virtual Care Implementation Toolkit was developed to support the delivery of stroke care via virtual modalities by providing guidance and practical tips as health professionals integrate teleconferencing, videoconferencing, secure messaging, or audio digital tools into their practice.
For more information and to download the free toolkit, visit here.
Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations
- Teasell R, Salbach NM, Foley N, Mountain A, Cameron JI et al. on behalf of the Management of Rehabilitation and Recovery following Stroke Best Practice Writing Group and the Canadian Stroke Best Practices and Quality Advisory Committee, and in collaboration with the Canadian Stroke Consortium and the Heart & Stroke Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery. Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations: Rehabilitation, Recovery and Community Participation following Stroke. Part One: Rehabilitation and Recovery Following Stroke; 6th Edition Update 2019. International Journal of Stroke 2020;15(7):763-788.
- Mountain A, Lindsay MP, Teasell R, Salbach NM, de Jong A et al. Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations: Rehabilitation, Recovery and Community Participation following Stroke. Part Two: Transitions and Community Participation Following Stroke. International Journal of Stroke 2020;15(7):789-806.
Canadian Stroke Community-Based Exercise Recommendations
To see the recommendations click here.
Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations: Virtual Stroke Rehabilitation Consensus Statement 2022
Salbach NM, Mountain A, Lindsay P, Blacquiere D, McGuff R, Foley N, Corriveau H, Fung J, Gierman N, Inness E, Linkewich E, O’Connell C, Sakakibara B, Smith EE, Tang A, Timpson D, Vallentin T, White K, Yao J; on Behalf of the Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations Advisory Committee, in collaboration with the Canadian Stroke Consortium and the Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery. Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations: Virtual Stroke Rehabilitation Consensus Statement 2022. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2022. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000002062.
The Evidence-Based Practice Confidence (EPIC) Scale
To download the EPIC scale as a Word document, click here.
EPIC Scale Publications:
- Clyde JH, Brooks D, Cameron JI, Salbach NM. Validation of the evidence-based practice confidence (EPIC) scale among occupational therapists. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2016;70(2):7002280010p1-9.
- Salbach NM, Williams JI, Jaglal SB. Reply to Bland: Despite error in formula, EPIC scale still precise. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Profession. 2013;33(4):283. DOI: 10.1002/chp.21195
- Salbach NM, Jaglal SB, Williams JI. Reliability and validity of the evidence-based practice confidence (EPIC) scale. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2013;33(1):33-40. DOI: 10.1002/chp.21164
- Salbach NM, Jaglal SB. Creation and validation of the evidence-based practice confidence scale for health care professionals. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2011;17(4):794-800. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2753.2010.01478.x